🍌🚫 That Time Oregon Banned Sex. Everywhere! 🍌 🚫

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 months ago

Here's something hilarious I learnt today.

Sometime back in the 1970s Oregon had banned intercourse. And I am not talking about in public places, but everywhere. Theoretically, it was illegal to even have sex in the privacy of your house. πŸ˜†

This was purely accidental and came to be thanks to a poorly worded ordinance passed by the Florence City Council on November 26, 1977. The original intention was to ban sexual intercourse in view of bystanders but the council unintentionally outlawed sex in private residences as well, lmao 🀣

All thanks to this poorly worded piece

"while in or in view of a public or private place"

The mistake was noticed early on and...thankfully the city officials notified the law abiding citizens a that they had no plans to enforce the new ordinance until a correction was made πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Here's a newspaper segment from back then:


BAN ON SEX ACCIDENTALLY IMPOSED IN OREGON CITY FLORENCE, Ore. (UPD The city of Florence may have stumbled on the simplest and most effective way of checking population growth a ban on sexual intercourse. An ordinance enacted by the city council this week makes it illegal to have sex "while in or in view of a public or private place." When the council enacted the ordinance, members thought they were forbidding lovemaking in public and in private places that could be seen from public places. The council didn't realize that it had ruled out sex in private until several days later. City officials said they would not enforce the new ordinance until it could be amended.. source

And that's how sex was totally banned in Oregon City. Heh.

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When I lived in Texas (1980's/90's), the county I was in still had a law on the books dating to the 1880's that forbade sex on Sundays before 2:00pm... this one was no accident, though... Ye Olde Christian Pioneers did not want any shenanigans β€” married or otherwise β€” to keep people from showing up to church...



I think many wives will have been happy with this ordinance so they didn't have to use the classic headache excuse with their husbands :) !LOL

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Lmao! !Pimp

Reminds me of the Chinese one child rule for 30 years. Would have put an old kybosh on the shagging.

What's a kybosh! English please!

to spoil or destroy a plan

Ah I see. Am an idiot please don't mind.


Politicians at their finest...

Government πŸ’©


Ouch, and ouch again !LOL

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Maybe that’s why @summertooth lives there…..🀣🀣🀣

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The devil is in the details! :) hilarious story for sure! !PIZZA

thats when everyone moved to San Diego


Lol. That is a weird story but I guess that can happen when they don't think about the details properly. I am glad it wasn't enforced until it was fixed.

Well it would be impossible up enforce πŸ˜‚

What a weird time it was.

Good times. Lol!

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It might seems weird and an uncultured by the public. But the authority directly responsible might have get done with their needed calculation. As I get learned here , then I case it banned might be due to kind of desperate desired to have birth under control.

Hahahaha.... If sex is actually banned in any region, people would then migrate to other regions where it's not πŸ˜€
This is what an error or mistakes can cause because I'm sure those living in Oregon would have wondered what was happening.

Theoretically, it was illegal to even have sex in the privacy of your house. πŸ˜†

I kept wondering how this was possible πŸ˜‚
I mean did they input cameras watch who's having sex and who is not? 🀷


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