This is so exciting!

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

Pathfinder. I still remember it like it yesterday. The launch on December 1996..The never ending waiting till the landing half a year later. Reading all the sensational headlines and articles on the newspapers. Yes, the newspapers. No internet back then. I was one of the last people born to vividly remember a world without it. What an exciting time to be a kid 😁

Of course I eventually got my wish and grew up. What a dumb ass I was.

Since then I always kept an eye on all of NASA's mission but nothing ever got me as excited as a pathfinder. Yes, nostalgia played a role for sure...But there was just something about that mission and the sojourner, that little cute rover it carried... A rover that's totally retarded with today's technological advancements. May you rest in piece little buddy 😂

Anyways, today I was reading about a new NASA mission that traveled me back to those naive times. The Dragonfly.

Unfortunately, the waiting for this one is gonna be super super long. It will, if all goes as planned, launch in 2028 and this time the goal is a bit further. Titan, Saturn’s largest moon with a set landing date sometime in...fucking 2034! And this time no retarded cute rovers. NASA is sending a drone like aircraft:


Among other sciency stuff the mission will search for signs of life or at least the building blocks of life. Many believe Titan is one the best candidates for that in our solar system due to being the only known object other than Earth with clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid.

It is planned to be launched in July 2028 and arrive in 2034. It would be the first aircraft on Titan and is intended to make the first powered and fully controlled atmospheric flight on any moon, with the intention of studying prebiotic chemistry and extraterrestrial habitability. It would then use its vertical takeoffs and landings (VTOL) capability to move between exploration sites sauce

I just hope humanity makes it till then! We really are trying hard to return back to the stone ages lately!

Titan here we come.... in 2034 😅😂

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I just read about that yesterday. It came up on my Google home page.

!PIMP drone

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Nuts! The video is not available. Stone Ages here we come!

WEN Uranus Mission?



It's interesting. I wonder if we will find out more things in space that we didn't know before. Who knows if there will be materials that improves technology or a place that we might actually be able to live at. Although, the Stone Age doesn't sound so bad. Maybe the government/politicians won't have as much control.

They will still find a way to collect taxes 😂😂

Stone Ages here we come! A lot of bad stuff going on in this world of ours... That should be a cool mission, Titan is going to be a pretty funky place.


You must be killin' it out here!
@trumpman just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.


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@trumpman! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (13/50)

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I didn't know about this before, after reading this post now I know it's a good thing.