
Can you not see the wood for the trees? People see you as posting 5 times a day, and immediately taking the rewards out to Bittrex (because HIVE is above $1.50 per). If you had some stake here instead of this 'take-take' mentality, then you would get accepted more.

There is nothing wrong with your content, it's the behaviour you exhibit and then all the moaning after some DV's have hit you. If it's so bad here, you have the option to use STEEM and/or BLURT and get out.

I use my hive to trade and live off and keep the 50 percent as stake. The guy down voting me is on a constant power down. I only powered down to be able to try and trade with some whilst hive is high so I can put more back in.

Not everyone can afford to keep their full stake in a platform. Having said that I have always kept 50 in and cashed out the 50 percent unless I really needed access to it, covid was not kind to freelancers. The platform was even designed in that way to be an income stream and a holding stake in a Platform simultaneously else it wouldn’t be split like that. Those who can power up 100 percent and don’t need to access any money good for them! But everyone is going to power down at some point. Some p just think everyone should do the same as they do. I acknowledge everyone has different periods in their life, different set ups, different ideas.

I also care about other people and see people trashed down to zero for an opinion people don’t like. For them that big payout that then gets taken away could push them over the edge if that’s what was going to save them that month from homelessness. I curate a hell of a lot of artists and spend hours and hours doing it. You make tons on here and if you can afford to power up all the time and don’t need to access any of it then good for you! That’s awesome. But one day you will take yours out. It’s better leaving it in who doesn’t want to make more money. But one day you too will decide to take some money out and do something with it. Or you will need it for an unexpected bill, or a period of redundancy who knows.

You make tons on here

Yes I do well here. Do you think I did so well when we met in March 2018 at Birmingham (SteemCamp 1). At that time, I was the noddy getting 3c per post then. It seems one of us did the right thing, and the other did not. I don't ask or beg for these votes.. they just appear. I'm not going to continue this as we are never going to agree.

I do not believe one did the wrong thing and one did the right thing. I don't believe investing money in materials and using it to live off makes you a worse person than someone who powers up for a few years then takes the money out later. If people see that as unworthy of reward I guess thats up to them. This place is full of unique people full of differing life circumstances that change all the time. As long as you do what you feel is right that should be all that matters.

I have no problem with you making money from posts, good for you I say, I am not the one judging them or down voting them or analysing how much of them you invest or use for your day to day life. Good for you I say for putting in the time and effort to build connections. I am happy for you.