Calendly has potential! | A revamped extension for scheduling meetings and more

in LeoFinancelast month


Mario Gogh | Unsplash

Organization is one of the most important factors in our daily lives. With it, we can perform our functions better in all possible areas; whether it's for work, school, or any other aspect, organizing ourselves is what we must do to achieve success in our goals. Moreover, considering that it's inevitable that other people depend on us and we depend on them, having an organized profile will lead us in the right direction.

Calendly appears to be a very good tool for managing our calendar. It is ideal for scheduling meetings and having direct access in all kinds of applications, such as integration with Zoom, Microsoft Teams. Being on time for a meeting will no longer be a problem with this browser extension.

Programming can be a meeting through a 15-minute call as well as organizing a 30-minute in-person meeting. It is also possible to coordinate a team to attend in a timely manner, which is very useful and necessary.

To be honest, the part where it could stand out is not just one. It can work very well with a focus on sales, marketing, hiring, seeking potential clients, education, and much more. We are talking about the organization of meetings for a company or educational institution, which will be greatly facilitated, which in my view, would be a very good option to consider.


The good news is that this extension is still being updated, and this time it has brought very interesting improvements. It's a redesign that enhances the way quotes and scheduling are managed, making it much more agile. This extension is available for Chrome, Edge, FireFox, and Outlook, and it would be great if they included Brave in the future.

As a new addition, there is now the "Meetings" tab available, where one can join, cancel a meeting, or reschedule it. Another tab that can be found is "Contacts," which allows you to display the people in that meeting you will be attending, as well as view the meeting history with those individuals. Very intuitive so far, right?


I think another thing we have interacted with more than once is with links. For example, to create a meeting in Zoom, a link was generated that could be shared with the people we wanted to join. Calendly allows sharing links to all kinds of recipients for all kinds of meetings, because clearly a meeting can have different purposes or encompass different forms. That is, from one to several, cross-talk, or individual. In addition, it is possible to schedule a meeting with someone we are tracking instantly.

A feature that I find extremely interesting and could be exceptional is being able to schedule a meeting on behalf of someone else. It is common for some inconveniences to arise in everyday life and we cannot perform an action of great importance.

In this case, Calendly will allow a person to schedule a meeting on behalf of a team member, although of course, there is some sort of consent, as they must grant permission to do so. In a team where meetings are recurrent and time management is crucial, it is a very good addition.


Preview may differ slightly from final result in Hive.

The product manager, Stephen Hsu, maintains that there is much to be done and that the new additions will make a difference in how meetings are conducted. His vision is to create a useful product that is part of meeting preparation, so that people can acquire knowledge and experience in them.

Another thing he plans to integrate is transcription. Tools such as Otter or Zoom Assistant have them, but they are not very user-friendly in terms of integration since they have to be used separately. What he wants is a direct integration that allows everything to be in one place.

Information about meetings, attendees, and the meeting agenda are other points to consider. To do this, knowledge will be obtained through platforms like the most currently known; LinkedIn.

One of the main inconveniences that has caused problems is the time zone issue. Agreeing on a meeting time was often a real confusion because one had to look up which region a fixed schedule belongs to. What is being sought is to somehow solve this problem so that meeting scheduling is made easier, no matter where in the world you are.

Last but not least, in the current times, artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era in technology. Calendly doesn't want to be left behind and plans to include AI in its systems with the aim of obtaining valuable information that is highly useful to users and greatly improving the information offered, from anywhere or at any moment during the meeting.

  • Main image edited in Canva.
  • I have consulted information in and
  • I have used Hive Translator to translate from Spanish to English.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Can integrate MS teams as well?

Indeed, it is one of the applications that can be integrated.

I guess in the same way that Zoom works.

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