Weekly growth report of my X account | April 6, 2024

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Mohammad Alizade | Unsplash

This week the interactions have been a little smoother, although not oriented towards the theme I prefer, which is technology and also includes everything related to cryptocurrencies. I am trying to see how to make the algorithm recommend better news or content related to this topic, so that I can move forward in this area. However, I cannot fall behind and must maintain these numbers I have achieved, which, truth be told, is starting to get difficult.

I am finishing the week with several numbers in red. The redeeming factor may be that I have received a good amount of approvals on my comments made on various tweets that seemed like an opportunity to add value or general interest to them while also contributing to generating a greater number of impressions.

However, something that I must not forget is that the priority is impressions through posts made from my account, as what we want is to have relevance and success in content creation. To achieve this, a strategy I will implement from now on will be small curiosities so that the reading is interesting but not overwhelming to the reader. Something like the so-called "Snack Content" that we learned at InLeo.

After succeeding in this, it will move on to a much broader and more formal stage. Obviously, the goal will be to complement the content created on Hive, or touch on related topics.

To be honest, this implies a matter I must review; the trend. I must also ensure that the topic I discuss is within the trends happening on that day in order to obtain the highest number of impressions, but not only that, also to outperform other content, so I will need to make an effort in that.

Among those impressions will be people who visit my profile and as a result, realize that there is something beyond X, which is our platform and community. Besides generating visits from web2 to web3, we could draw attention to the arrival of new lions. I have no doubt that there are good content creators out there who are willing to embark on our waters.

I believe I can maintain the metrics at this level if I continue to interact in a way that I consider regular. For these 7 days, I have achieved the mark of 310.9K impressions, while in the 28 days, that value rises to 792.5K impressions. Very close to 1M.

If we remember, 5M impressions are needed in 3 months, although this could only apply to posts, but in one way or another, the fundamental goal is to be successful in both directions. Definitely, the idea is to grow exponentially.

One of the things I am trying is to engage with large accounts related to cryptocurrencies. Receiving a like and, better yet, a response, is undoubtedly very valuable because that is where mutual support could lie. It means that if at some point we create content that they find interesting and that is similar to the topic those influencers handle, we could undoubtedly take the next step to be on par with them. It doesn't necessarily mean we become influencers, but to complement information.

With the solid training we have been acquiring in Hive and InLeo, I believe that these foundations could benefit facing this path. We just need to demonstrate what we know and continue learning a little more every day. I have no doubts that this will be a great adventure.

  • I have used Canva to edit the main image.
  • Translated from Spanish with Hive Translator.
  • Screenshots taken from my Twitter X account.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha