in LeoFinancelast month

There is no fundamental connection anymore between the market and the economy.

People think the market goes up, so the economy must be good.

Guys, we had no single good report about the economy since years.

The market is dead and has nothing to do anymore with reality.

It is only a planned economy big central bank inflation/ deflation money manipulation gambling casino.

And ofc, they will try to hold up/ together the illusion of functioning markets for as long as possible, or at least until (s)election.

The market is like a demented child, that needs to be remembered over and over and over and over: that the fed got its back!

The illusion of the market will be maintained.

but stock market =/= economy

All the market cares about: WHEN IS THE EASY MONEY COMING?

No fundamental factors matter anymore.

Incredible situation.

FED website inflation:
creating 1B $ cash out of thin air DAILY


doing it in the environment of contracting economy (with high interests)


stagnating economy + inflating money

The middle class is currently destroying itself in just trying to maintain the illusion of being a middle class...

Do not worry! Everything is out of control.



😂😂😂 well damn!

Both scary and interesting at the same time!! I think at some point, this illusion will be slayed by reality.