Threads + Waves

in LeoFinance2 months ago

As a hive blockchain users or content creators we always tried over best to create unique and useful content on daily bases but it's not an easy task to do.

Sometimes as a writer or content creator we are able to allocate some time to write a beautiful article but another day we feel difficult to do it

Writing a original, unique and useful content or article on daily basis is not easy for all but writing few words or short form content is so easy as compared to 500 hundred to 900 words article on a specific topic

That's why threads and waves the two top microblogging platforms developed by @inleo and @ecency teams are very important in order to increase overall activities on the blockchain and on top of that anyone can earn rewards by posting short farm content on WAVES BY ECENCY AND THERDS BY INLEO FORMLY KNOWN AS LEOFINANCE

I am trying both at the moment and I really love to use @ecency or @leofinance platform for posting articles and short farm content like Tweets on X or Twitter, if you are not using ecency waves or threads then you are missing a something amazing, try it today and feel the difference especially if you have less time or experience to create a article then these microblogging platforms are for you to get engaged and earn rewards


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