The Weekly Zekely - 3 weeks of SPRING!

in LeoFinance2 months ago


The Weekly Zekely is meant to be a retrospective romp through a week's worth of adventure that have left themselves as evidence on my photo reel. Let's see what I got up to!

In this edition, 3 weeks of spring, music, work and a bit of BEER!

3 Weeks?


3 weeks is a long time between Zekelies, especially when it is between the oft wintery end to march and the occasionally summery beginning of April in this part of Canada. Looking back on the last edition, I recall another couple dustings of snow, BBQing in inclement weather, and riding out the transition in hopes of a little warmer weather.


I have officially swapped out my winter tires for all-seasons and that should be taken like the groundhog signaling the end of winter. When you look closely, there are signs of spring everywhere. It is a big deal up here as winter is just a little longer up north and absence of colour like this makes the heart grow fonder.

Dog Wars


You know who doesn't care whether it is a blizzard, heatwave, or something mushy in between? This guy. He is one of my motivations to get up and moving no matter what the weather is like and get to the park. The fairweather dog people have avoided the swampy fields and trails of late but have started coming out of the woodwork.


If you need 1 picture that illustrates how much fun this guy has and why it is an easy decision for me to get out and spend an hour in the park, this would be it. Literally the time of his life every time we go and he brings joy to the other walkers and dogs with how much energy he puts out.




It seems there is a reawakening of sorts when it comes to music this year. Perhaps it was a couple years where live music gatherings were not a thing, or the time it took to recover from that period, or the position I am in to jump back in. Either way, clients and friends and even our bands are upping the activity. This shot is one from a new local music festival called The OnRush Festival that had its inaugural event last weekend. Being with Town Crier Marketing, I was in the position to jump in and help with the promotion and messaging of the festival to help sell tickets. Local music in local venues for a town that will have a lively scene is a great place to find energy and lend a hand.

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More with the local music scene, we had the chance to help a local record store Sound Fixation with an emergency move from their downtown location to another one. A bit of a victim of the unceremonious increase in real estate & rent, along with the out-of-town investment which leads to community taking a back seat to profit with the new investors. Either way, moving hundreds of thousands of records and the whole retail operation is not easy, especially when there is 3 weeks lead time to completely vacate a retail location. Here we are with local entrepreneur Trevor as we load the new retail space under the close supervision of his K9 store regular.


One story I have in the chamber that I will hopefully drop this week is a return to the stage for one of my groups of friends. It seems that every one of my circles of friends has a music element to it but this is one is made up of our hockey team and a bund of members from past bands. We may not play the clubs as often as we did in the past but it is nice to get back up on stage and blast out some tunes to a live audience again. I have so many pics and a story to share so I won't completely spoil it in the Zekely.



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One reason for a gap between Zekelies is the busy that comes with business. Sure I try and make it all fun and present it like it is not work, but it takes time to be productive and successful! This picture is a bit of both as this golf & country club is a client. I am scoping out a network job for a building that is along the 9th hole of the course and wishing I was out there setting up my second shot after a monster drive. The course is actually open now if you can believe that but I have not gotten out just yet. Warmer weather on the horizon so hopefully I will get the opportunity soon and bring you along with me.


Speaking of business that doesn't necessarily look like business... Another client had the grand opening of The Salt Cabin over the weekend. So great to see hard work and vision lead to the launch of a business. Even better when you are a part of the building and promoting for the launch.


One of the connections we were able to help facilitate is with the Mayor who is a bud of ours. He is a social whirlwind and we have worked with him on a few events so it made sense to have him cut the ceremonial ribbon on another new business. I keep teasing a return to business blogging on the @town-crier account and I really need to start with this story. Hold me to it and keep an eye out for a reblog if you don't follow that account yet. Congrats to the new business owners on the launch!

Remember your organic content and links back from your blog to the local businesses you support is an SEO superpower. ESPECIALLY with the recent Google algorithm change penalizing duplicate and AI content.




Pretty sure my legion of followers would get out the torches and pitchforks if I didn't share a beer or 2 on the Zekely. Spring and Music and Work aside, that would be the constant that keeps me adventuring with a big smile on my face. I may share this nitro hazy this #beersaturday and you can get more beerventure here



As the sun goes down on another couple weeks of adventure, I will remind you I am no @daveks but I do love to snap a sunset pic because of his influence. Let me know what you have been up to and let's enjoy our trips around the sun together.

Thanks for checking in as spring adventure blooms!





Ready for more spring adventure?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


About spring here - not my photo, but:

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

We have already been going to summer :)

It’s been long I attended a music festival. I should do so
By December

It's been a week here in our country, it's been very hot, but it started raining two days ago, so today the weather is very pleasant and it's cloudy, it's good to be with you friends.