I am getting closer and closer to my goal in Inleo (Leo Power Up Day).

in LeoFinancelast month

Today is a big day for everyone, as we are on day 15, and as every month, we celebrate Leo Power Up Day, or as many know it (LPUD), an activity that promotes the creation and increase of influence and power within the Inleo platform with the Staking of the $LEO token.

I will be joining this round, and you who are reading this are probably interested in doing so as well, so make yourself comfortable and here I will explain a bit about the process and my personal opinion about the last months of activity in Inleo.

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Table of contents for this article:

♦️ My experience with purchasing premium membership.

♦️ Amount accumulated this month.

♦️ My participation in the LPUD.

♦️ A goal that will soon arrive.

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My experience with the purchase of premium membership.

I have about three months renewing my leo premium account, and I really like the features that gives us being a premium leo, besides that beautiful badge of verified that gives us a different visual style, we can also have some extra features that are important to mention.

Among these features we can find, the extension of characters when writing our threads, that is of utmost importance to enrich with more text what we are sharing in the short format version which is similar to X, thus monetizing your content and being able to express much more in the text, something that is a bit limited if you are not a Premium user, that is one of the reasons why I decided to be part of the Premium litter of Lion, as I always tend to write a lot, so I need a larger amount of characters to express an idea.

In addition, we can also change the color of the user interface, and I like that, you can choose between different colors to your liking and so you can use it with a more specific customization, here I share with you an image of the benefits of being a Premium user.



Being premium also has its advantages in terms of content curation, although that also has to do with the quality of the content you share, Inleo has an open range for content curation in different topics, whether you like to write about video games, photo editing, NFTs games and more, but the value of the vote granted has much to do with the quality of content that you are providing to the platform, because quality content is worth reading and being supported by your work.

In my case, I always try to improve my content as much as I can, and I also like to vary the topics of my articles, because I have many things that I like to share with everyone, for this reason my content is not focused on a single niche or topic, you can go to my profile to verify it for yourself, the point here is that, I have analyzed that being a premium user, my rewards in LEO tokens have increased little by little, and it is easier for me to reach an estimated amount of 100 LEO tokens per month, it may not be a very large amount for you, but that helps me to participate in the LPUD each month.


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Amount accumulated this month.

For this month I managed to accumulate approximately 140 LEO tokens, little by little I am getting closer to the goal of accumulating 150 LEO tokens per month, but here I will tell you something that happened with those 140 LEO tokens, for those of you who are my closest friends, you know that I recently bought a new computer, it was a computer that I needed to keep creating content, and I had to spend some LEO tokens to pay for the shipping of my new PC, it was a computer that I needed to keep creating content, and I had to spend some LEO tokens to pay for the shipping of my new PC, luckily it was a decision that I don't regret because this computer is working much better than the previous one.

As the days went by I managed to buy some LEO tokens to be able to reach again the amount of 100 LEO tokens, and these are the ones I will be placing in Staking today, if I had not made that token sale, I am sure I would have achieved this month the 150 LEO tokens, but I will try to get it this month to come.



As a recommendation if you are a user who is thinking about being part of Inleo, I will tell you that the constancy and community participation is very good, try to interact with other users who have similar tastes, that way you will create a circle of friends here, and that is something that helps us in many ways.

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My participation in the LPUD.

The time has come that everyone was waiting for, place my LEO tokens earned during this month in Staking, this will help us to be increasing little by little the value of our vote, this helps us ourselves as well as the people to whom we give such positive vote, if we continue with this initiative month by month, In the not too distant future we will be able to become something like an independent curator in Inleo, of course our vote or the value of it will depend a lot on the amount of LEO tokens that you have in your possession, that is why we are encouraged to increase the amount of LEO in Staking every month.

For this occasion I will be adding 100 $LEO tokens, and with this I will add a total of 700 LEO in Staking, and soon I will get closer to my short term goal...



I have left 5 LEO tokens for later, also, I have some tokens to be able to sell in the market, as the value of the LEO token has gone down a bit lately, but I know many took advantage to do some trading when the value of the token was around 0.16$ it was a good moment, and it can repeat or a much bigger increase, so it is better to be prepared, a few days ago I saw an article from a user that said that the LEO token could be worth 0.05$ soon, and that will be a good moment to buy more LEO.

I hope I can be part of this, how many LEO tokens do you have in your wallet right now?

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A goal that will soon arrive.

I have already commented on many occasions, my closest goal in Inleo is to be able to accumulate a total of 1000 LEO tokens in Staking, that is my closest goal, it is always a good idea to set scalable goals, that are segmented in sub goals that you can go little by little until you reach your maximum goal, in this case I do not have a maximum goal for the accumulation of LEO tokens, but when I reach my goal of 100 tokens, I will set a new goal.

Anyway, I will leave this article until here, I hope you enjoy the reading and if you have any suggestions or questions you can leave your comments and so we interact a little more, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a nice day.

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English is not my native language, so I have used Hive Translator...

Posted Using InLeo Alpha