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RE: The Ultimate 'Smart Contract'? A Universal Declaration of Independence & Decentralisation for Balance, World Peace & Increased Prosperity.

in Ureka Community2 months ago


Yes, re-membering is fundamental to our liberation. Memory itself is a function of the allowance of right movement of emotions and feelings - so, again, any distortion or limitation on this process will hamper memory and prevent evolution/freedom. This is probably part of why the powermongers from Europe sought to dominate and kill off the tribes of the world, who often hold stronger memories of the distant past within their group than the powermongers liked.

Rather than accept reality and learn the needed lessons, many of these groups (often using their false vision of God as justification) have been seeking to rerwrite 'history' in their image and to their own specification. This has been going on for so long now that the majority of people have fallen for it without asking many questions. The recent uncovering of an 8 mile long piece of ancient art, showing humans alongside giant animals in ancient times, is just the tip of the iceberg!


an 8 mile long piece of ancient art, showing humans alongside giant animals in ancient times



 2 months ago  


The distortion has reached unfathomable proportions. I've been to a few stunningly beautiful ancient sites in Mexico, Egypt (several times, as I'm a passionate scuba diver), and Australia, and I roll my eyes every time I think of all the "rebranded" history lessons we have been spoonfed since early childhood. If you become the observer, you notice the level of ridicule, and yet so many Divine Sparks buy into the narrative and continue to follow NPCs.

 2 months ago  

Absolutely, yes. We are in a process where the tribes of Earth - so long denied and forced to hide out of fear for their lives - are finding a voice to be able to share their understandings with those who will hear.

Gradually, bridges will be formed that help to harmonise the various groups on Earth and more people will come to remember who they are and just what they've been up to for the past few millennia of incarnations on Earth!