Weekend-Engagement WEEK #164: The death dilemma

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago



Hello friend hiver and the Weekend Experiences Community I hope you are having a successful weekend.

Once again our friend @galenkp brings us very interesting and thoughtful topics for this weekend. This time I chose to write based on the topic The death dilemma.

Actually, if I were in a war and I was captured as a prisoner and for my life or freedom I was asked to execute one of my comrades, my answer would be a resounding NO or my silence.


One of my personal life codes is friendship and loyalty, it is part of my personality, I give a lot of value to a good friend, in that scenario, all my battle companions would be like my brothers because we all depend on each other to survive, one should not fall into selfishness. All decisions in life bring consequences, they can be good or bad, and when I agree to take part in a battle I must assume all its risks.

Death must be respected, but we must also know how to accept it. There is a phrase that its author is anonymous but many composers, poets, singers, writers use:

"He who is afraid to die, do not be born". I agree 100% with this phrase, life is based on taking risks and accepting the results of our actions.


In my opinion executing a fellow soldier who has fought and advanced with me in that war, can be likened to executing, turning my back, ignoring, not willingly rendering aid to a family member or loved one who has been with me in the good/bad times of my life and those actions have never crossed my mind, they are NOT my principles, they are NOT my ethics.

Before having to do the abominable task of executing a fellow soldier I would rather die myself. I could not live with the memory torturing me daily for my disloyal decision, I would be a living person without honor.

"One must die with pride when it is no longer possible to live with pride". Friedrich Nietzsche


If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did sharing it with you.

All personal photos were taken with my Samsung A20s phone. Main photo separators edited in Canva.



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I would do the same, I'd not give my captors the enjoyment of knowing they broke me down and I'd not want to compromise my own code of honour. Besides, in cases like this (which have actually occurred in real life) often the end result is being killed anyway. It's a power trip thing, they just want to debase the individual. Nope, I'd take the bullet to the head.

Totally true my friend @galenkp There are cases that we have to expose our life, essence to help others. But in this particular case, I am one of those who think never to give pleasure to the enemy.

hope you are having a happy weekend. Greetings

I believe that in not compromising ourselves we have a win in cases as per this situation; caving in let's the enemy win, you know?

All good here mate, just working (pretending to because I'm on Hive) and sipping coffee.

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