Weekend-Engagement WEEK #200: Removing 3 objects from my life


Hello friend hiver and the Weekend Experiences Community I hope you are having a successful weekend.

As usual our friend @galenkp brings us for this weekend several topics that you can develop and have fun trying, if you have no ideas to write you can try these options. Galenk's Topics #200


Particularly I am not one to keep or accumulate many items, I always try to keep the essentials, although sometimes it can get out of control to want to get rid of some of them. Lately I notice that I have more lingerie for the bed and when I wash it I don't know where to put it. Hahaha a lot of papers in storage (work, study, research) complicated to throw everything away without checking again what is really necessary.

But what I do have clear are the 3 things that I would quickly give away or get rid of:

The first of them is my bicycle of many years, quite a lot of Km I rode with it but already because of the time and that I outgrew it I do not use it, I have it stored for months without giving it use, and I have already seriously thinking about giving it away, it is one of the things that is not easy to take off.


The second thing I would get rid of is a desktop computer with its multifunctional printer, it has gotten me out of a lot of trouble, but I currently have a laptop which is more comfortable to work on. The computer is an old model, and all its components are obsolete, it has an XP operating system that cannot be upgraded. With the printer it is more expensive for me to buy cartridges than to print what I need elsewhere. This happens to me because the cartridges become clogged and damaged without using them for a long time. It has already happened to me twice. So it is an object that I have it as an ornament.



The third thing I would give away are many books that I have as ornaments, many encyclopedias that I have from my school years, children's stories, magazines, among others. These are objects that may interest many people. I would do this to place new books on topics that I am working on in my day to day life.



By expressing my thoughts in this publication, I can note that none of these objects will negatively influence my life, nor change my lifestyle, what I would do is to renew a new space in my house, perhaps at the end of the week I have already gotten rid of several things. hahaha

f you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did sharing it with you.

All personal photos were taken with my Samsung A20s phone. Main photo separators edited in Canva.



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It is always good to get rid of those things that just take up space and are no longer useful, however, sometimes it is hard for me in particular.

As for your items, I want the bicycle. 🙏😅

Sometimes it is difficult to start throwing away objects, there is an irrational attachment. But when you start it feels liberating.

You can come get the bike whenever you want. 😂😂

Thank you very much for reading and commenting. Good day.