Weekend engagement topic week 206: Being immortal would feel like a curse


Honestly, I would not like to be immortal and not only for the premise of surviving my loved ones, I actually would not want to live that long and yes, it sounds a little crazy but I have my reasons, here I tell them.

A few weeks ago the person who held the Guinness record for "longest living human" died, a man from my state here in Venezuela, he was 114 years old...that means he lived through the two world wars, the military dictatorship in Venezuela, the arrival of man on the moon, the invention of a huge amount of appliances and electronic devices and an endless amount of historical and family events, one might think this is a good thing but for me, living so long implies some cost that is not just getting old. All the events we live through in our lives mark us and in the long run it takes its toll in some way.

On the other hand, being immortal involves a process of adaptation that eventually becomes tedious as we see with the Cullens in "Twilight" or in "Interview with the Vampire" when you live forever there has to be a point where you feel you don't belong or where adaptation becomes very difficult because your essence doesn't go with the current/historical context.


At the same time, and to answer the premise of the question, being immortal would mean a lot of pain, in fact, there is a sequence of this in "The Secret of Adaline" that explains it quite well, being immortal she lives several times the loss of her pet and it is really sad and taking this to the plane of our loved ones who are human, honestly I would not want to live it, we suffer enough losses in our lives without being immortal.

Finally, and this is quite personal, the idea of getting old and losing my faculties such as seeing well, walking well, remembering things overwhelms me a lot and that is why I indicated that I would not want to live so long, unless it is with a good quality of life.

If someone answers yes to this question I respect their opinion, but for me it would feel like a curse. That's all for today, thank you for making it this far, goodbye!


P.S.: Pictures are from my last birthday


Pienso igual que tú, vivir eternamente y ver cómo las personas que amas mueren y además el mundo cambiando a tu alrededor es algo que me genera miedo 😨, suelo decir que prefiero morir antes que mis familiares porque el dolor de su partida sería muy fuerte para mí. Te envío un abrazo (lindas fotos 😊) 🧡

I totally agree with you in everything here, I would not like to live so many years and the time I have to be in this existential plane I would like to be able to fend for myself.

To be immortal, no. Harmonious death yes, I wish we all could die peacefully, the day it is our turn.