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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want


You can't fix a problem till you've properly diagnosed it, and as the stoics pointed out, it's pointless to worry about things outside your control. So, when something goes sideways, the first person I look at to find fault is myself. Not to beat myself up, but to learn where I went wrong so I can make the correction and improve.

It takes practice to train your mind to work that way by default, and I'm not perfect, but it yields positive results!


I like this ethos. I have a firm control the controllable things ethos myself, meaning that I don't try to control what I cannot. Leaves more energy for things that way. Better results.

Not to beat myself up, but to learn where I went wrong so I can make the correction and improve.

Exactly...I think this is where many go wrong. They beat themselves up rather than simply evaluate, strategise, plan and redeploy.

Thanks for adding your skill and getting involved this week. :)

Good conversation starter! Thanks for the post! I've enjoyed reading the replies!

Thanks mate, I do a different topic each week as a place to get people engaging with each other and some fun and a few get involved. Thanks for coming by this week and feel free to drop in again. :)