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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Oh, sweet! I almost miss this this week. I think I'll go with a skill I have. So, I'm very anxious. I've always been, but through my angsty life I have learned how to keep anxiety in a beneficial degree. Someone I have managed to give the impression I'm a very relaxed person. Friends and teachers have asked me from time to time "How can you be so relaxed all the time?" As a matter of fact I can't, but I stopped worrying about petty things. When I feel anxious, I go about doing something. It might not be something important but it helps me drive all of these stuff away. During all this time in the house I've learned I got it from my father. But unlike him, who doesn't seem to find a way to keep it at bay and my brother who had to go to the doctor because of anxiety attacks, I came about my thing and got the gist of it. This is a pretty cool skill to have. I think. 😅


This is an excellent skill to have indeed and one most do not ever attain it. It shows strength of character and effort. It goes to prove that if one finds a why that is compelling enough one can make things happen.

This is the other major skill I have developed through my life. The first one is learning stuff. But I think these are my main skills and others derive from the fact that I can tweak these two. And about finding a reason, I think not being stopped by your own nerves is compelling enough to learn how to control it.

That's a good why mate, for sure. The motivation we find within is often more powerful than externally.

But external motivation can help us get going from time to time.

Of course. I only meant that people look for external motivation so much that they ignore looking within and finding it there.