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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

My, my, my... are you friends with Anne of all Trades? Jokes aside, that looks like a sweet game. I love to know about people who enjoy doing many things.

I know I cannot sing well. I love to sing. Love it. My boys hate it, so I've promised to only sing to them when I'm angry at them.

You can join the G-dog and myself in our steampunk zombie band of people who can get in tune. 🤣


Hey, thank you very much! I've really got some high hopes for that game and that it can be more than just a labour of love.

Steampunk zombie band! 😂 That sounds epic!

Hey, Richard Garfield didn't know his game was going to be the #1 trading card game in the world when he started out, so anything is possible!

Steampunk zombie band! 😂 That sounds epic!

Hell yeah! 😎