I remembered a movie, I would not like to be immortal. Week 206

in Weekend Experiences27 days ago


It was only enough to read the first topic of this week for an idea to come to my mind, more than an idea came a movie, The Age of Adaline and this movie is about a woman who after an accident, her body is modified and stops aging. She spends more than 60 years with the same appearance she had before the accident and has to keep her condition a secret in order not to be treated as a monster.

You could say that this movie answers the questions asked this week, because she suffers the loss of her loved ones and suffers watching everyone she knows die. Like Adaline I would not choose to be immortal, I believe that everyone in this life has a shelf life, but most valuable of all, are the people we meet in the course of our lives, our family and friends. What is the point of being alive while watching all the people we love fade away.

I think it is very sad to spend the rest of your life remembering all the moments you spent with your family, having to bond with other people later on or having to make new families, but you still know that they are going to die before you do. There is going to come a time when you are not going to want to have that emotional bond with anyone, because you know you are going to end up suffering💔 you would have to be a person with very cold feelings to want to live alone, unless you are a super hero and your companions have the same condition as you 😜 but that’s just something that occurred to me because not only in movies we can find Adaline with this condition, there are also super heroes like Wolverine from the X men. The thing is that for me it’s a very sad life and I wouldn’t like to be immortal.

Thank you for visiting, reading and commenting

All text and photographs are my property of my Redmi 10C cell phone. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



Ah, yeah I saw that movie too, watching her daughter grow old while she looked like her granddaughter, that blew my mind, it was a good movie, then at the end she went back to what she wanted, to be a simple mortal, great 'post, cheers

I love that movie, I watch it every chance I get. But it's sad how she has been able to live alone for so long, not being able to meet her daughter's family and how she watches her daughter grow old. Having no one to love. Good thing she ended up with the handsome and deadly guy.

a great movie no doubt, have a happy weekend, greetings

Although I did not participate this weekend in these wonderful proposed topics, this one very particularly caught my attention, precisely because of the movie you refer to, and where you live in a very realistic way what it would mean for humans to be immortal especially losing our loved ones ....
I also think it would be very interesting to be immortal for less years than Adeline... in spite of the pains... don't you think?

Hi. I don't know, she lost her husband, then she fell in love again and out of fear she left him, the only person she has intimate contact with is her daughter but not her family. For me it is sad.

Of course the movie ends as it should, her being mortal as she had wanted and with the man she is in love with at that moment.