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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Uhhhhh. I barely speak English.

I presume that Holland doesn't have a 'heritage' passport option? My brother is getting his Irish passport via his brother (and father) that he just found this year.

I like to think I'm an optimist with pragmatic leanings. I take some pleasure in things like you 'feeding the 5000' simply because somebody(ies) have stepped up and accepted the challenge. There's a lot to be said for that.

Duck Duck Go is your friend. I've never researched the SEO of the place but it doesn't collect any personal data OR advertising. I'd guess the SEO is just strictly organic.

Really glad to see you back at it. Your voice counts.


I personally shouldn't need a heritage option - I was a dutch citizen, still have my original papers and the citizenship was relinquished by my parents (while I was underage) since, at that time, dual citizenship was not possible. That has changed. So now a paperwork-exam-payment process for me. :) Then a paperwork process after that to claim citizenship by descent for my daughter. Not sure if she'll be allowed to have a 3rd nationality thought (she already has both Thai and Australian).

I'm off to find some content about SEO on Duck Duck Go. And yes, ultimately, organic keywords lasts, works across all platforms and is the best. I'm thinking, ultimately, there are no real short-cuts.