Our Chores Contract

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago


This week Ole' Galen asked us guys if we like to help out with chores and housework at home. Well, the wife and I have always had an unwritten contract when it comes to chores. If it is something outside the house, then it pretty much has always been mine to take care of. That is unless it is flower or decor related. When it comes to that shit, then I just help hold crap and do what I am told.

When it comes to inside chores, well, let's just say my wife has banned me from ever touching certain devices in the house. For instance, my hands would get chopped off if I ever tried to do the laundry. And I would be damn lucky if it was just my hands that would be cut off. Laundry is something I wouldn't mind doing, but due to past screw ups, I am under a lifetime ban.


However, there are some inside chores that I do have an expectation of helping with occasionally. For instance, loading and emptying the dishwasher. Sounds like something simple, but I absolutely hate it and do all I can to avoid it. We even have a sign on it that can be flipped that says "dirty" or "clean". I ignore it as much as possible until the wife brings it to my attention, usually in an animated fashion.


There are other chores like folding clothes, making the bed, and vacumming that I will help with on occasion. However, there has really always been a separation of duties in our house since we have been married. I handle outside and home repairs, she does the homemaker type stuff.

Thing is though, now that I am retired, it seems this wonderful "contract" may be up for renegotiation.

Thanks for reading,


Note: All images are my own taken with iPhone6S.

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We have the chores divvied up too. I do the outside work and the stuff she hates inside. Fortunately, I think I still get of lightly 😀

I think I get off easy as well. I would rather pluck my finger nails out than do most of the housework stuff. Especially dishes. I hate dishes, even with the dish washer, I despise messing with them. But like I said, I think the entire arrnagement may be changing like it or not☹️. At least I know I won't be doing the laundry.

We don't have a dishwasher. So I hate it when it's my turn even more!! I am training the kids to wash dishes but they are proving to be a bit resistant!

I would tell my wife we don't need a dishwasher because we have her, but I cherish having balls.🤣

Hahaha, Christ yeah. That way lies madness!

At least there is a clear understanding! Thou shalt not touch the washing machine.... Thanks for the great laugh!

Yep, no laundry, although I don't mind doing it at all. Glad I could make you laugh my friend. Hope you had a great weekend.

Good for you and your wife for sharing the household chores and achieving harmony. I really liked the sign announcing that it's dirty, I'm going to make a few and put them up for my husband to see hahaha. I better not even talk about it because it will kill me 😅.

I wouldn't say there is harmony, but we have made it work for over 30 years without killing each other. hahaha.🤣

Yeah, when the sign says "clean" on the dishwasher, I am supposed to empty it and put away the dishes. That doesn't always happen. Sometimes the sign "accidently" slides back to dirty.🤣

I think you should look for a sign that says "dirty" on both sides. 😂 Oh, please don't show this message to your wife, I don't want her to hate me. 😂😂😂

haha. That is a good idea. No worries, I won't tell.

I wonder why you were banned from doing the laundry, any color problems? I'm glad you have your chore contract, that's great.

I am banned because I just throw all colors together and wash them. Doesn't go over well with the wife.

It is more of an unwritten contract that we have lived by for over 30 years of marriage. However, now that I am home all the time and retired, I think she believes the terms of the contract should be renegotiated. 🤣

Home chores are always annoying but we need to do right lol!

I really don't mind them, although I absolutely hate dishes.


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