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RE: A great partner

Listening to these words has been touching for me, it is not something we often say to the person next to us, we feel it, we recognize it, we value it, but we do not express it as clearly as when we write it down.

It is gratifying to read the qualities that the other person sees in us and that he/she considers that they have contributed to maintain a relationship, to make us better people and above all to want to be with her/him.

Thank you @irvnc with you it has also been easy to live together, as I always say to myself making mine that phrase of that old song by Pablo Milanés: "It is not perfect, it is closer to what I just dreamed of..."😍


Reading @irvinc's acknowledgement and appreciation of your 3 qualities as a 3rd person makes it even more precious and your response proves that you are a one in million type of partner.

It's great to witness this type of union and the peace of mind one can bring to their partner.😊🌺

That's right my dear friend @humbe. Damarys is a great person, I love being with her. Thanks for coming and commenting. A big hug from Maracay.

I have always found it excellent to write down my feelings. This text has been very easy for me, because I have recognized those values ​​in you for a long time. Thanks for stopping by and commenting dear @damarysvibra. A big hug.