A well spent surprise birthday party for my mom by her friends on Sunday

Hey, guys it's another beautiful Thursday evening here in Nigeria and also a great weekend as well to behold too, well amazingly and gradually we're finally rapping up the new month and week also that quite started slowly but here we are.

Anyways I have been recently thinking about what to actually write about here in this wonderful community of ours which is rightly directed by @galenkp and all other of his team for us to explore and have different knowledge of things we may know of or not.

Prior to my mom's birthday that recently took place on Sunday which was actually a lovely experience to behold and was quite organise by her friends to surprise her and make her feel valuable and loved but before then she's been asking me and my husband to send her some money so she would do a little celebration. Not knowing what was ahead but we finally sent her the money for the celebration.

The saying about show me your friend and I will tell you who you are is actually not a bad idea but can become more dangerous when you associate with the wrong people who doesn't really care about your happiness but rather care about your down fall and bad reputation that paint you black to the society.

Though I wasn't there for the surprise and celebration of her birthday but she actually gave me some updates which got me so amazed and equally excited. And so in essence it is one thing to make friends and it is one thing to have friends who can positively put smile on your face Through the most favorite and memorable day of your life.



Thanks for reading my content and also sharing with me your lovely opinions do have a nice day and a great weekend too, and make sure you do enjoy the rest of your day with your family and friends. Love you all.🙈🙈😊😊🥰🥰🤗🤗😜😁😘


That was a beautiful gesture by her friends.
It must have been a very merry and memorable celebration. If her friends could do that for her, it shows how much of a good person she is to them. I like that.
Belated happy birthday to your mum.

Yeah it's true and thank you so much my dear it's a pleasure having you on my post do have a nice day and great weekend too.enjoy🤗😜😁😘🥰😊