Weekend engagement 203: The invisible power of smells.

My perception of the world is deeply marked by smells, from subtle aromas to intense fragrances, these olfactory stimuli have a very marked power over me, evoking memories, awakening emotions and even influencing my mood.

Among the multitude of aromas that surround me and to which I am accustomed, I have selected three that personally provoke particularly pleasant sensations in me:

Freshly brewed coffee: The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee is a sign of the start of my day, my girlfriend, who gets up a little earlier than me, prepares the coffee every morning, and when its fragrance permeates the room, it makes that I wake up naturally, so ingrained is this routine in me that, if she didn't prepare coffee, I certainly wouldn't know what time to get up, this aroma not only wakes me up physically, but also fills me with energy to face each day ahead. starts.

Freshly made bread: Baking bread is my favorite pastime, a pleasant and very rewarding activity that allows me to express my creativity by trying to innovate with each preparation. I do it about three times a week, and there is nothing more satisfying than the house being filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread for hours. This aroma is so pleasant and persistent that I am sure that its intensity reaches the neighbors' house. .

Wet soil: In my area it rains little even in the rainy seasons, so every time a storm approaches I get excited, I love visiting the countryside after the rain, when the fresh air is filled with the unmistakable aroma of wet earth, this aroma that in a certain way connects me with nature and in turn transports me to memories of my childhood, relaxes me and invites me to walk among the trees and the humid grass of the parks near home, admiring the weather fresh and the mushrooms that sprout thanks to the humidity. It is an experience that fills me with peace and tranquility.

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

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that bread looks incredible, here in my house i love when my mother cook chiken because it is smells really good until stay away like 5 meters:D

That's also the smell of freshly baked bread!😅 The whole house is left with a pleasant smell for hours after baking😋

The past time you have is nice. @derppunk

Thank you very much, my friend! 🤗

You're welcome. 😁 Have a nice day. @derppunk