Little helper

in Weekend Experiences26 days ago (edited)

I don't know if you've ever heard this joke?

An elderly rich man married a very young girl, and on the first wedding night she asked him:
"Darling, shall we now make love wildly"?
At that he raised his hand with fingers spread.
"What...five times"? she asks.
"Oh no, pick a finger"!!!

The topic @Galenkp assigned this weekend in #weekendengagement
Tell us about your favorite sex toy and why you like it so much
reminded me of that joke and of a device (which makes me wonder if this post should be labeled nsfw), which I bought for my partner a long time ago, but we still only use it as a toy, not necessarily as a useful tool.

I'm not sure what she expected as a gift on that occasion (I don't remember exactly what the occasion was), but I remember she had a good laugh when she opened the box and a small white Durex slid out of the purple bag into her palm.

It's the only sex toy (or aid) I've ever bought in my life.

Small in size, with a potentiometer to increase the vibration, it brought additional pleasure to my partner several times.

I don't know if it's used on occasions when I'm on business trips, but I don't think so, since we don't change its batteries very often.

We like to use it one pose, and on a couple of occasions when I was too tired for the second round 😅
In those moments, I like to call him, my Little helper. That role doesn't happen often, but here it happens and then the helper is up to the task, strong as a rock 💪

Wondering why we love it? Well, we adults are the same as children.
And all children love their toys 🙂


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Don't change the batteries often? It must get used more methinks! 🤔😉

Or is it used without vibration?🤔

Both bro, one must get inventive.