WE 200 My meaning of life

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

greetings dear readers today I give life and love to my blog with a new return to the Weekend Experiences #200 participating with a reflection on life.

Define the meaning of life as you know it or think it is, and what you think "your purpose" is . Remember to use your own photos.

Once in one of those conversations philosophizing about life with a group of people, one of those in the group commented: *I have a motto, everything in my life is easy. Before her eloquence and security I was perplexed, because she is indeed a very lucky person, very positive and always with possibilities to get out of complicated situations, such intervention I took as a personal reflection.

A few days later, this expression fluttered in my head together with several practices of personal development that I had been doing, I felt that it was a good moment that awakened my conscience where I made a retrospective of my life, there between sobs I looked at first all the difficulties I had gone through to get to that moment, and after seeing that I decided to assume each experience as a learning experience, which became fertilizer for my blossoming, and that has served me to try not to repeat patterns, avoid wallowing in pain, filling me with courage, joy and love to continue on my way.

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Life is life and its mysteries that invite us to be human with the free will to do or undo according to our welfare, within that journey we inevitably have that encounter with our lights and shadows, which I believe is necessary to recognize them because we live from those unconscious details.

Life is wonderful, a supreme energy that nothing and no one lacks, from my experience I know that life is chaos and order, between good and evil dressed in multiple forms, so I am not exempt from fluctuating between these dualities. However, I believe that I am one of those beings who live in a constant reflection of their actions and the best place to do so is in nature.


I live integrated to all that cultural and natural baggage that precedes me and invades me, from which I try to extract what is productive, healthy and instinctive. This is how I conclude by expressing that my purpose in life is to learn every day to live in connection with what is essential, for my own well-being and that of others, and to advance with courage in the face of the difficulties that arise, which will continue to be for me the fertilizer and impulse for many other flourishings.

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All photos are from my personal album


In particular: “and to advance with courage in the face of the difficulties that arise”, I really liked that phrase, this is how we should always act in our lives, it was a pleasure to read you, greetings 😊

Thank you, my dear, courage is part of our human essence and I believe we must empower ourselves with it in all circumstances, but in difficult moments is when we must assume it with conscience and affection. Happy week beautiful 🌻@marlynmont

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