in Weekend Experiences2 months ago (edited)

Life is about relationships and relationships comes in different forms like family, friends, workplace, business, professional relationships. One thing that is fundamental about relationships is maintaining contact and sustainance. Relationships are like investment which yields positive returns if well nurtured. Relationship can either make or mar depending on how it is managed.

Relationship is the bedrock of career as no career can be a success without an input or leverage on relationship. Careers are not designed to be done in isolation and hence, relationships are the course while careers are the effects of these relationships. Both are directly linked together and in real sense, relationship exists before career and birth careers.

A defect in one affects the other, for example, a career person (maybe an Accountant) who maintains a bad relationship with other colleagues will definitely experience a bad journey in his or her career because he or she can't do it all alone in that financial institution and at one time or the other will need an input of others (as minute as it may be) which maybe key to her progress but the bad relationship will hinder such.

It is natural for we humans to favour or do good to someone we are in good relationship with compared with someone with the opposite. We have seen and heared of people making career advancement based on counsels, recommendations, connects gotten by their boss at work, colleagues, friends, associates, family whom they have a good relationship with.

For me, in my few years of practice as a healthcare professional (Pharmacist in specific), i can say that i have enjoyed the benefits of what a good relationship can offer. I have been recommended, nominated, helped and employed all because of good relationships established and maintained over time with my colleagues and bosses. Likewise, the cordial relationships with my staffs and also, with the management of the places i have worked in the past are evidences of a successful career journey I'm in.

The simple truth is that good/cordial relationships are assets i.e. capital which is needed as a start-up for a blossom career. The mistake most people make is to think that "everything is about money" forgetting that money cannot buy relationships but rather good character, morals, good values are needed in establishing and sustaining relationships. It is worthy of note to mention that relationships can transcend a generation unto the next as we have seen some children enjoying the dividends of good relationships invested in by their parents.

From the above, it can be clearly seen that relationships are the key which opens the door of career progress and hence, mustn't be joked with or taken for granted. Therefore, concious efforts must be put together to have a good or cordial relationship with people at least, which can progress to friendship after proven for awhile. For me, i will prioritize on relationships even in my career because careers doesn't just exist by themselves but on relationships.

There is an end to career in terms of retirement or career switch but there is no end to relationships as after it all, we return to our family which is another type of relationship. In times of challenges in career, the succour that comes from family and friends can be very helpful which reiterates the fact of having good relationships and prioritizing such even in career.

Thank you for reading and i wish you a great weekend ahead. Comments, contributions are welcomed.