I chose to help rather than being a rockstar. Week 206

It is another time to write for the weekend and here, as usual, we have beautiful questions, all thanks to @galenkp👏👏

All my life, I have a passion for helping people who are in one problem or the other. This act made me join a charity organization and it has helped me as a person in multiple ways.

To choose between a rockstar and a refugee volunteer this weekend, which will I choose?

Since it's my passion to help people around me, I would ultimately choose to be a volunteer at a refugee camp rather than being a rockstar for so many reasons. Being a rockstar might fetch me fame, exposure, experience, and money and also connect me with people of high timbre and caliber but it would be more fulfilling to see people around me full of joy and happiness. It is a choice!


As a volunteer, I would dedicate my time, and essential services, lend a hand of genuine support, and rally around those who have lost count in standing up again for their fear to give hope and reassure them there is hope in living again.

As a volunteer, I would ensure the safety and well-being of the refugees, especially the women and children. I would ensure massive protection for them. They are vulnerable 👌

As a volunteer, I would be a good counselor who gives listening ears to those who have been separated from families and loved ones. Nobody can know where the shoes pinches except you are in that shoe. It is my pleasure to help them heal.

As a volunteer, I would have the opportunity to make a remarkable difference in the lives of people who are facing challenges like loss of home and belongings, and emotional, physical, financial trauma, and mental health issues because some of them might believe, it is finished for them. To make a huge difference in their lives can be the best option.

As a volunteer working at a refugee camp would allow me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures and hear their stories, fostering empathy, and providing emotional support and understanding to them. I would make them see me as a friend whom they can confide in.

As a volunteer, The experience would challenge me to step out of my comfort zone, elevate my personal growth, develop new skills and ideas, and cultivate resilience and compassion to deal with individuals with different challenges.

As a volunteer, helping those who lack access to basic needs like food, water, and health care system should be my utmost priority. I'm happy when people around me are happy.

As a volunteer, using my time, money, ideas, and energy to support others in need would be a more fulfilling aspect of my lifetime. Sometimes, we need to push harder, go out of our way to get some things done

Image is mine

My opinion on the weekend engagement contest on the topic; If you could be a rock star or a volunteer at a refugee camp this weekend which would you choose and why?

Thanks for stopping by as I await your view in the comment section.


You would be great as a volunteer, at first I thought you'd pick being a rockstar cause of the fame that comes with it but then you made the right choice by wanting to help people.

Many people would choose to be a rockstar rather than be a refugee volunteer because of the fame and riches. However, what's the essence of having all those without making an impact?

Some people need us wholeheartedly and we can only make that sacrifice to fit in.

To be a volunteer is the best option my dear @young-tari