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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Hello friends, I have some skills but the one that I have developed the most over the years is photography, there is not a day in my life for the last 15 years that I don't take pictures, it is my daily life with my cell phone or my camera, it has become my favorite toy and companion because I have a lot of fun when I take pictures and live every moment, each picture is a story and I like that.

The skill I would like to develop is learning Arabic dance and singing. I have never been able to learn a complete song, that was frustrating in my youth so I threw in the towel, and dancing I sometimes hide and practice in my closet.

Today with this dynamic I had fun because I got dressed up and came out of my closet and my husband told me where did you get that costume hahahaha.....
I put my phone and started dancing to take this picture and my husband just looked at me hahaha as if to say he went crazy.

The truth is that I laughed a lot thanks for such a nice moment doing today what I like to take pictures and dance.


Photography is a skill I've never been able to learn very well. I can point a camera and click the button but as far as anything that resembles skill...Nope, I have none.

Thanks for taking the time to photograph the image of you in the costume and sharing the skill you would like to have...Dancing? I'm even worse at dancing than I am at photography! 🤪

Photography is more of an artistic skill that develops with time. I find you as an interesting person habibti(friend in Arabic) 😄

Oh! How fun!
We need to relax and have fun as often as possible!
"Be like children" is in the Bible!

That second photo is really cool looking. 💖