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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

This is a great snap, you should use more like these on your posts.

Mate, most people have some social anxiety myself included. I think understanding that can help one overcome it. That person you're talking with maybe feels exact the same.

Good comment though, and making people feel comfortable is a good skill to possess.


I use such snaps but in other communities and thank you for the appreciation.

I've tried to overcome my social anxiety several times. Sometimes by making myself familiar to the surrounding, sometimes by showing curiosity to the other person. It sometimes helps and sometimes it doesn't. Skilled are those people who know how to establish an effective communication.

Yours is extra-ordinary because you have a way of communicating with people which is photography. You should always use that to make people happy and to communicate with people.

I do that most of the times brother and it helps sometimes but not everyone has similar taste 😄

Never knew that a person like you who writes so well and is an adventurous soul, goes through social anxiety 😄

I'm the same as everyone else and have similar issues and idiosyncrasies. It's what makes me human.

Anxiety is something we must cast out from our mind but must follow the other way around. Anxiety cannot make you to feel free with people but will make you remain at a spot. The best is to remove anxiety.

You're right sir. Anxiety is a hindrance between between our progress and us.

I think she is trying to make people comfortable through the surrounding of photography. This is his skill and it is perfect making use of photography to bring out people's smile.