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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Attention to detail is an awesome skill to have, probably quite important too! It's good your acknowledged the need for it in yourself and are working that way and I'm sure you'll see many benefits come from it.

Nice work!


Thank you! As I was scrolling, I found someone else who mentioned the same thing and added the part about skim reading.

Being a bit detail oriented in general will also help me out with being more self aware as well. I will be able to pay attention to the smaller details or changes I need to make to improve.

Skim-reading is what most do here, if even that. That's why I shifted my expectations, removed them actually, and now write only for myself. If people read and engage then great. If not then I still gain the reward I get from the writing itself.

I am glad you brought this point up! Few weeks ago, I did think the same that people want something they can quickly read over. I began changing up my style to make it as concise as possible and cut down my writing. Now, I am considering your point.

I would rather take pleasure from my own writing than cater to changing styles of other people.

I would rather take pleasure from my own writing than cater to changing styles of other people.

This is a good state to be in. My enjoyment comes through my writing and so I'm in control of my destiny and feelings. I love people reading and engaging of course, but better that I find the value from my own actions rather than the expectation of other people's.

but better that I find the value from my own actions rather than the expectation of other people's

You nailed it with this statement. In the long run, I find this approach will have me coming back to hive for my own pleasure.