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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Languages is probably high on many peoples desired skills list I'd say. My own included. You have a good deal of languages there. Did you read the comment from @dswigle? She's struggling with Spanish...Maybe she needs a tutor.

Also, the numbers/math thing...I have ten fingers and ten toes so counting to twenty is no problem for me at all...Further than that and I'm quite incompetent I'm afraid. :)


Haha yeah I get confused with simple counting already! But I could do some Spanish tutoring indeed!

If only we have twenty more fingers, we'd be able to count to...Umm...Erm...47?

We just need 8 arms like that Indian deity!

Haha! Yeah, we'll be able to count up to...Damn it, where's my abacus when I need it?!

What is 8 in Spanish. May be I may need tutor as well

Do you mean to tutor @galenkp Spanish?

No there was someone in this sub who didn't have a knack for languages but wanted to learn Spanish

Hehehe...he can tutor her to speak Spanish, I guess

Sorry mate, you write me so many comments I simply cannot respond to them all. I just don't know what to say all the time.