WE79 post topics: You and your hobbies

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

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Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.

Dale Carnegie

You may have a hobby or want a hobby, either way I'd like to hear about it so feel free to take a look below for the topics and some of the benefits for getting involved with this posting initiative and I hope you'll choose to get a post into THE WEEKEND community.

Simple guidelines to follow

✔️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post to be eligible
✔️ Must be posted in THE WEEKEND community.
✔️ Post directly into the community - Do not self cross post (Community rule)
✔️ Post in English (Use a translator if you like)
❌ Plagiarism won't be tolerated - Do your own work and credit photos
✔️ You have all weekend to get your post done - but follow the guidelines

Follow the guidelines above so you're eligible for the rewards and feel free to comment below if you have any questions about how it all works.

Hive background.png

Benefits to getting involved

  • Post(s) will receive upvotes from me (and hopefully others)
  • Some posts will be curated for @curangel rewards
  • Hive rewards sent directly to some at the conclusion of each weekend
  • Best/most liked post pinned to THE WEEKEND community
  • Top posts showcased on the winners announcement post
  • Showcase yourself to the community and build your account

💎This week's topic(s) 💎

🔹Option one 🔹

Tell us what your hobby is, why you enjoy it, how you do it and what you need to make it happen, what's involved, how it makes you feel when engaging with it or anything else you'd like to share about it. Blogging on hive and playing Splinterlands is excluded from the topic.

🔹Option two🔹

What hobby have you always wanted to do but never started - What appeals to you about it and why have you not had the chance to get involved with it.

🔹Option three🔹

Have you, or anyone you know, ever turned a hobby into a business or opportunity to make a few dollars on the side. Tell us what it was and how the process went from hobby to income; the challenges, work-arounds and successes. Blogging on hive and playing Splinterlands is excluded from the topic.

Curation and hive-rewards will happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and generally take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your post feed for a look.

Please read the guidelines above so you're eligible for the rewards on offer and feel free to comment below if you have any questions about how it all works.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

The knitting photo used in this post was photographed by @eveuncovered - Thanks Eve, you're legit.


I was waiting for this post to come out....

I couldn't wait any longer....

So I just wrote a post in #weekend-engagment anyway. I saw "The Weekend" Post after I submitted mine^^

Now I see what the writing prompt really is. The post I placed in the weekend engagement just now is sitting there for laughs. Tomorrow I will send you the real one.

I've been a little busy with work so didn't get the post out earlier. Sorry. 😳

Tomorrow is fine. ✅

Your prompts have always helped me to reflect on a Friday afternoon. Honestly everyone at school went home already except me so I have that one moment of quite before facing rush hour, going to the dentist and then coming back home to my hyper active boys.


Lol...Tasmanian devils huh? Good luck with that. Better you than me. 😁

I hope you folks have a good weekend.

Those little things are pretty viscious. Black bears...No worries. Tassie devils? Best left alone. 😁

Are you anxious ?! Hahaha 😁😂

I guess I got in the habit of seeing those posts come out around lunch time.

I'll go see....

I just checked your blog and got confused. Is it still sitting there? Can I get a link?

It's in the first artcle of my blog. The cover says, FRIDAY with the stick figures. I don't think we are allowed to post any links in the comments here. Anyway I have Saturday and Sunday to get a post in The Weekend. My hobbies are incredibly plain but I will put a twist on it.

Good morning. My little Taz woke me up.

He is playing with giant rubber bands. Time for adult supervision.

Maybe I should wear goggles. !LOL

I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

@nineclaws, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mineopoly
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/6)

When they were little I gave them pads and a helmet. Now I need pads and a helmet.

Great topics as always for a great weekend

Indeed. Happy weekend. ✅

Good job from @galenkp.... Now I'll get to talk about my hobbies and how it started. Happy weekend

Have a good weekend also. ⭐

Nice topic again! Will make sure to post this weekend about my underground hobby!
Good luck all with the final day before the weekend and those that have weekend already, enjoy!

I’m expecting catacombs and I’ll be very disappointed if that’s not it.

No catacombs... More the natural variety of those

Underground hobbit sounds intriguing! Can hardly wait, but will have to I guess! 😁

Haha all will be revealed!

I'm going to sit staring at the screen hitting the refresh button until you post it.


Hahaha please don't! Bad for the eyes ;)

Lol...I'll take that under advisement. 🤓

Just got goose bumps..m

3 days to magic, sounds like a lot more time for Mr. Malopie, lol. Happy Weekend

Have a great weekend too, enjoy! 😁

you never fail us when it comes to bringing such interesting topics, Looking forward to it 😁

I try to keep it interesting.

Happy weekend everyone 🤸

And to you also.

Thank you so much 🥰

I have a big hobby in my life, slowly I will improve it as best I can and develop it, even though it looks flashy and people laugh at, but I stick to my stance, and am determined to do it. I really enjoyed this week's topic. And I don't have any questions, I already understand what to do. ;)

Seems like you're all set.

I hope you have a good weekend. ✅

Yeah, thanks you 🙂

Nice topic 😍 @galenkp. Have a great weekend!

Happy weekend to you too! I hope you have an enjoyable one.

Thank you for this prompt Galen! Always such good ideas and you inspire your community to reach new levels and provide interesting insight. Much appreciate you my friend from down under. I hope you have a blessed weekend! Sending you love and happiness from Finland. -Eve 🤗

Hey Eve, thanks for your nice words which I appreciate greatly.

It's really great you agreed to let me use an image of yours which gives the post a nice personal touch - Thank you kindly.

It's going to be a warm weekend here, 35°C on Sunday...Got a few things on...Shooting tomorrow...Should be good. I think you're up north right? Probably cold AF. I hope y'all have a great weekend too.

Be well Eve. x

I keep forgetting that your seasons are upside down too, and that 35 is a little too much. Unless you are lounging in a pool with a cocktail on hand. We have only -10C today, and it's getting warmer for next week, hopefully not too warm for the snow to melt. How will Santa get here if we don't have any snow!?

It's a bit odd to think of it huh? My older brother sent a screen capture of the weather tlwhere he is in Finland a few days ago which was -21°C that's a 56°C variance to what I'll have Sunday. About weird to think of it.

Only minus ten? That's almost a Finnish summer! 😳 Is like to experience a winter there one day...I'd do a lot of staying snuggled inside.

No pool or cocktails for me this weekend...I'll stay cool somehow though. I hope.

Fun topic...maybe I'd see new hobbies I can attempt to keep up with

That will be good. I actually have many Hobbies, but I have to choose one out of them to write on

Ahhhhhj!!!! I loooooveee!!! I'm so participating. My hobby my passion, my love!!!! I'm pumped!!! I love all the options. Can I answer all of them????

You can if you like. ✅

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One thing I like about your weekend contests is you always give options. Count me in.

Variety is the spice of life.

It's a splendid wooly jumper photo. You are knocking your pics out the park these days dudeski!

I like your exclusions from this one. Very wise! :OD

Thanks to Eve I got to use this legit picture, I just added the coloured text...She added the awesomeness.

Ah yes, the exclusions...I didn't want to make it too easy for people to vomit typical and predictable answers like:

I like hive because I love blogging on hive because hive is good and I like it and when I blog on hive I become happy because it is good and blogging is hive and I am attentive to the blogging on hive because it is nice and hive is good and hive is hive.

Fuck, if I added some tags (whales of course) there's a post right there. ☝️

Tha ks for commenting Boomster, always good to have you around.

Hahaha! That works be an awesome ironic post. Unfortunately accurate.

It's a really good one, she has a knack that one. Still, nice textness! You should it would work and it works perfectly!

Lol, my textiness took me a while to work out, but I got there in the end.

Also, no copying that amazing post-text I wrote above! I'm going to make that post later today. 🤪

It's good when it comes together at the end up.

Haha, you beat me. I was about to rattle one off inspired by it 🤣


Can I post for option 1 and a separate post for option 2? If all pics are mine, then do I need to specifically say that? Also, is there a way to put videos on my post that is better than others and more efficient? Hey, @bobthebuilder2 and @thelastmelon and @bigbrainproblems and @bitsofwisdom You guys should all do this with me.

You can answer the topic questions as you like, combine them into a single post or do seperate. I'd suggest a single post but that's just me.

If I ever put videos I upload them to YouTube and link them, but I rarely do it.

If the pictures are your own (all your own) you don't need to cure the source, but I usually do, just for clarity.

Nice topics this time around. I hope someone picks #3 and I can learn from them.

Had to LOL when I read your exclusions - hahaha - you're very wise! 😅 And experienced.

I hope someone picks #3

Exactly...We can get the jump on it and gazump them! Lol.

Had to LOL when I read your exclusions - hahaha - you're very wise! 😅 And experienced.

The old G-dog has to stay ahead of those who defer to boring shit. So, I engage in a pre-emptive strike.


First time I heard that word. I learnt something today - yay!

pre-emptive strike

That all sounds like you're ready for action.

Lol, it means take by surprise and sort of steal someone's plan or idea.

Also, I'm always ready for action.

Very much unlike me - I need to be in the mood for action. Like now, a little late but finally cleaning up my comment section.

Sometimes my action means inactivity. Lol.

Are you now getting philosophical with me? 🤔

o.k. 'both action and inactivity have their place in our lives' - how about that? 😁

Here is my weekend engagement: https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@plint/we-re-going-deeper-underground
Really enjoyed writing about my caving hobby, looking forward to seeing everyones hobbies!

Great post Plint! I've come to expect that from you though. Thanks for being involved and supporting this concept.

Thanks for the topic and the nice words :) Really love this community!

How did I miss my early bird policy at #Theweekend? Well, it is a nice topic here.
This prompt will help me a lot to rediscover some of the hobbies or part of the hobby I have left idle.

Off to cook a good post.

No worries! Happy weekend.

I enjoyed writing on the third topic. Thanks for creating a medium for us to share. Here's the link to my post https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@megpeters/weekend-engagement--hobbies-and-income

You need to follow the guidelines and tag the post correctly or I won't see it.

Okay...thank you

I've edited my post and followed the guidelines. Thank you for correcting me, I really appreciate 🙏 ❤

I love active, positive & healthy hobbies.. Rawr!

Lol...Every time I see someone write rawr I think of @meesterboom for some reason. Now I'll think of you too.

In a platonic way of course. 😂


I am always excited and thank you for always digging out interesting topics to write on. Let the weekend begin..

wrote my post - so my involvement has been fulfilled! 😄

¿El tiempo para participar es hasta mañana?

I don't speak Spanish, I'm sorry. I think what you're asking is how long have you go to enter? Sunday night is when it closes...If that's what you're asking. if you write in English I'll be able to understand you.

Lovely choice of topic as usual @galenkp, i hope it's not too late to write something

As always the topic runs to Sunday night.

I wanted to tell the world about my hobby. My hobby might not sound common to many but that's how things stand for me. Thank you for this topic.

Thanks for getting involved.

Interesting topic for the weekend. Here are my entries. Excellent day to all.


Thank you @galenkp for all weekends challenge

Tell us what your hobby... https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@opeyemioguns/my-hubby

Hello @galenkp
This is my participation in the contest you created. Thank you 😊


Well, I made an entry too and I must confess that my hobby shaped my life. till date my writing habit is one of the reasons I have a job.


I hope you are having a great weekend, I love this topic, because this way I share with you something that I like to do a lot and I am passionate about. Greetings. Here I leave my participation.


Thanks for being involved.

Here is my link to the weekend engagement option one

Hmm, you didn't get the first tag right. What a shame.

🙀 oh 😂 😂 😂 @galenkp

Have corrected my self @galenkp

Thanks for the correction @galenkp

thanks @galenkp for bring this up.....you're genius at reading minds
heres my entry really sorry its coming late from me

It's not late, no worries.

thankyou....i'll be sure to be on alert nextweekend

Another interesting topic for this week's engagement. Finally I will be posting my hobbies very soon.

Stay tuned 🙂😜

Thank you, I look forward to seeing your post.