[Week 134 New Year Edition] Weekend-Engagement

in Weekend Experienceslast year

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man or woman.

- Benjamin Franklin -

Fri weekend (3).png

Happy Friday, I hope you all have a great weekend ahead, the last for 2022. Here's a few suggestions for something to write about over the weekend, see below for the options and write your post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community and follow the guidelines below. original image source


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☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag so I can find your entry
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
☑️ Use photos you took where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close at 06:30 UTC Monday 2 January (Link to UTC converter)


Don't write lengthy summaries of my questions to use up the word count - just write your post in answer to the question you choose to respond to.

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Looking back and ahead (one)

Was there something you did in 2022 that positively changed your thoughts and attitudes and which you'll carry forward into 2023? What is it and how will carrying it forward make 2023 a good, or better, year? Write at least 350 words.

Looking back and ahead (two)

What strategies have you come up with to ensure 2023 is a great year for you? Do you have any set goals and, if so, what plans have you laid to bring them to fruition? I don't mean hopes and dreams here, I mean set goals. Share one or two and the plans you have to bring to reality. Write at least 350 words.

New Years Eve celebrations

What are you doing (or did you do if you're reading this after it happened) for New Years Eve? Did you host or attend a party, spend it with family and friends or just stay home and go to bed early? Tell us about it, but ensure any images you use for this post are ones taken on the night or that you took them yourself. Write at least 300 words.

Your choice of year

If the new year ahead could be any year of your own life (instead of 2023) which would you choose and why? Explain your answer in at least 350 words and use images you took yourself if possible.

The one on New Year's Eve

If you could spend New Years Eve with only one person (other than your friends, partner or family) who would that be and why, and tell us what the evening would be like. Explain your answer in at least 350 words and remember, your current friends, partner and family are excluded.

If you haven't read and complied with the guidelines I suggest you do or your post will be ignored.

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Curation may happen, but only on quality original content that meets the concept guidelines above, and the community rules. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the community and to find and build new relationships.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp


This is definitely a good time of the year for some introspection. I'm sure you'll get plenty of interesting posts.

Hope you're having a great holiday!

The holidays have been good...it's not going to be easy to go back to work, but I'll give it a go...just not yet!

I hope you're well.

Oh wish I saw this yesterday, already wrote something similar yesterday haha.
Will use this moment to wish you a happy new year instead :)

Happy new year to you also. I hope it's a good one.

Thank you! I hope so too :)

wow! this gonna be interesting, it's an opportunity to put down my thoughts and goals...

Let's see what you put down huh?

This is a thoughtful contest. A lot of lesson to learn here from fellow Hiveians that will participate. I am in for this weekend Challenge. Let's do it.

These are fun questions and waiting to read from others and also, opt in for it too. Happy new year in advance... It's some hours left already 💃🥳🥳🥳🥳

About 24 hours left to go for me as I write this comment and then the new year starts...hopefully I can make some of my goals happen, and you also.

Hehehe. That's great. There is still something to make happen before then

Another weekend to keep us activity to celebrate the new year. Let’s go🥳

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Ohlala, this contains some questions that I really have to think about throughout the weekend. Looking forward to reading everyone's post!

There'll be some good reading I think.

Thank you very much @galenkp . Variety of options to think and decide. Happy New Year 2023 love and well-being 😁✨🥂✨

Love and wellbeing for 2023 seems like a good plan! 😊

Greetings @galenkp, several options for this weekend. Food for thought, to consider and decide. Happy successful and prosperous year 2023 👋😊🥂

I hope you have the best year ever also. Happy 2023...in a day or so.

We got lots of different options to choose from . The topics are amazing, I'm sure there will be lots of amazing entries. Thanks @galenkp for making us an active weekend community .

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it.

You are welcome.

Good thing Christmas and New Year's Eve are topics on themselves. Great idea for a thoughtful post on the last days of the year. Gonna get some things sorted to start writing mine. There's a lot to do on 2023!

That's a good plan mate, I look forward to seeing it man.

Did you see my new profile pic? I think I look as cool as the G-dog! 🤣

Gonna get my post ready!

I did...That's an impressive head of hair bro.

I got a little cut somedays ago.

Not too much though, just a little.

It was after this photo.

Very helpful information for me,thanks.

2022 hasn't been a very bad year but we already look ahead for something better or should I say creating something better. It's a sweet last weekend for 2022 and beautiful topics to write on . Thanks for providing us with something to engage our weekend with.

You're welcome. 😉

Very good as always a space to shape our goals, this will be the last weekend of 2022, Welcome 2023, Merry Christmas and Happy 2023 my friend. 🤗😍

I'll see you in 2023, I hope it's a good one for everyone.

Nice weekend and end of the year challenge. Best wishes to all of you for a healthy and happy new year. See you in 2023!

I'll see you next year huh? 😋

Interesting topics, I have never been part of the weekend experiences but am sure I would partake in this one.

Sounds like a good plan.

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Woaooah, this topics are really great. Am going to participate

I like the way the topics were proposed because we are in this reflection period, which should be used to create plans and not just dream about it and lose one more year just wondering if we could get what we wanted... and even though I just made a post about one topic, I thought about the other topics to...

I did not make changes I want to carry with me... maybe taking more seriously to practice my English. I'll be making food today, maybe drinking too haha. I want a year with the good things that happened to me in 2019. I would love to spend new years eve with Katie McGrath because that actress seems to be pretty fun to hang out with hahaha.

Here is my entry.

Cheers, thanks for your entry and a happy new year to you.

Last day of the year, yup got something today with this amazing line up who wouldn't have their say !LOLZ

What do you call a hospital for horses?
A horse-pital.

Credit: reddit
@galenkp, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart

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I'm in 2022 now...one hour and forty two minutes in...I could tell you what the future is like, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. 😊

Happy new year.

Strange surprises I have had my fill, only nice ones from here on in, please.... that's my order!

Hope you having a good time wherever you landed up, we home looking after the dog with many hours yet to go, will scrape my eyeballs off the floor tomorrow morning!

Happy New Year!

Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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Well now you officially in 2023 - Happy New Year!

The Year That Was 2022 😇

These are interesting topics...I will publish mine soon.

Great topics for a new year. Here is my take on something I need to do different in 2023


Happy new year everyone

Happy new year 😊

Happy new year sir. These topics seem amazing and I'm interested in writing about them.

Can we write on all the topics or one only out of the topics?

Note this would be my first time participating in the weekend-engagement.

I think it's best to write on one only, and focus your best efforts on it rather than split your focus over all of the topics.

Ok. I actually didn't frame my question well. "I wanted to ask after writing about a particular topic today can I write on another topic tomorrow from the list of topics"

Hmm, well you can if you like, but if you post them in this community you'll need to ensure you follow the guidelines.

Happy New Year 🎆 I'm planning on doing a power up post, and if I have time afterwards I'll join in this week :) ...

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Happy new year to you, may it be a good one.

Thanks :) I have a good feeling about this year, may it get better each day 🙌

Well this hit a nerve with me as I have had a lot of thinking time here in Jamaica about next year. I’ve made a few decisions and cracking on with it 😉


@galenkp Happy new year and thanks for the amazing contest.

Some real nice questions, once again. Here's my entry. Happy new year xxxx


Happy New Year, @galenkp! I wish you the best for this year that's already starting. I had a great night with my family. I hope you too. I loved telling you about my celebration. It's surely a good moment to be remembered.


Happy new year to you too.

Greetings, here is my entry



Happy New Year 2023

Thank you so much @galenkp for suggesting excellent initiatives to write on the weekend, you force us to think and of course to exercise our brains and knowledge. You are in an excellent community within Hive, I really congratulate you for this effort. A happy 2023, good health and professional success. I hope you have spent this weekend of luxury with your family. Here is my entry:


You're welcome.

Happy new year.