Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 179

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

- Edgar Allan Poe -


Hey folks, it's the weekend again and I thought I'd make the theme of the topics partly around getting you out of the house and into your local area for a wander around to see what you can find and share with us. There's also a, what if, topic if you're keen. If you want to get involved then see below for the topics, if you do not, then don't.

If you've got some weekend plans worked out and want to share them please feel free to do so in the comments below...and now here's this weekend's #weekend-engagement topics.

𝟞𝟘𝟘 𝔼𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕪 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕪

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔

Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - and follow all community rules found here.

Posts must consist of 250+ words and you must use your own photos - no stock images

Use images you took yourself

𝑾𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

  • Weekend wandering: Visit one or two cool, unique, interesting, weird, notable or famous locations in your area, take some photos and tell us about them. Showcase parts of your home location! Remember to use your own photos.

  • Places you shop: Show us one or two of the places you go shopping or in which you eat in your local area and explain why you go there and what you like about it. Remember to use your own photos.

  • Chef for a weekend: You're magically transformed into a chef this weekend, which three people (any on the planet alive or from the past) do you cook for and why? Remember to use your own photos.


(Link to UTC converter)

Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
The image is mine


yasis im so tired of cooking can i not get a magical chef that cooks for me all weekend!

Magic chef...we all need one of those!

Right! Life would be soooo much sweeter! What's the plans for the weekend g-dawg?

Hmm, what am I up to? Not too much, some gardening and working around the yard on Sunday mainly; my vegetables are coming along nicely but need some attention (and to be eaten!) I've got some amazing tomatoes happening right now, cucumbers and capsicums, some lettuce too. All going well. (I think, with some red onion and feta cheese added I'll have a decent lunch salad Sunday.)

Today (Saturday), not too much. I just got home from breakfast at a café (started at 11am went to 2pm - Lol) and now just going to spend some of the afternoon reading a captivating book, albeit it one I've read before; it's one that delivers something new each time. Later I'll continue to watch a series I'm onto at the moment.

What about you MSP?

Nice! Sounds like a nice chilled weekend. The garden sounds like it's coming along so well! A lovely selection of veggies!

My weekend was super busy. 3 x birthday parties. I wrapped 9 presents! Plus lunch for my bro inlaw, who is down from the Netherlands. Squeezed in a run and a spot of shopping - 2 nice new summer dresses for my mom bod! I was busy, but good. Time spent with fruitful people!

Nine presents...but...how many for me?

Mum-bod summer dresses huh? #modellingostupcoming

how many for me?

All!!! Check your mailbox! But they were for all my nieces and nephews and my friend's two kids. There are actually still three more to be wrapped and delivered. It was my niece's birthday on Sunday, and she is the last one for the year, so I usually give all the monsters their presents on that day because I'm delayed with buying gifts. The closest I will come to feeling like Santa!

Modelling shoot! pffft! will ask the paparazzi to send you some snaps!

Happy Friday and wishing you a great weekend!

Hi Joan, I hope you have a great weekend too! It should be a good one here. We had 41 decrees C here today but the weekend will be a little cooler.

Wow sudden jumps like that with temperature not pleasant ever, anywhere! Well hopefully cooler weather to follow into the weekend.

Yeah it saps energy, especially if it's the first for the year, as this one was. Cooler now though, a pleasant 22.

On a similar roller coaster, feel like 36 today with humidity back to 22 tomorrow, crazy seasonal change.

Hello and happy Friday!😎

I've been looking forward to your update on the weekend engagement topic so that we may begin writing.

I already know what I'm going to write about. 😜 It might be the right story for one of your writing suggestions.

Yay for Friday and I'm glad you found a topic you like.

Have a great weekend.

Woohoo. Topics are really interesting, I am sure we are going to enjoy while completing the tasks.
Have a great weekend ☺️

I reached home from my university yesterday, so this weekend will be spent in the company of my parents.

Have a good weekend at home.

We had a temperature roller coaster this week. From almost 30°C, the temperature dropped to 5°C. ☀️🌧
How did it affect me? I'm completely exhausted, I can't wait for the weekend. Tomorrow I'm in bed for half the day, under a blanket 😀
I wish everyone a nice weekend and inspiring moments for writing!

Half-day sleep-ins... glorious! 😊

We had 41C yesterday, 22C the day before and 25C today...not as much as a temperature swing as you but 41 is never pleasant. 5-30C must play with the senses a lot.

I hope you have a good weekend.

I hope you have a nice weekend too.
And a lot of interesting stories here 🙂

Your weekend engagegemnt topic announcement post on Friday is kind of a weekend update for me. You have given a few options this week and this weekend is also the Diwali festival celebration here in India.
Happy Friday @galenkp

There's a lot going on here for the Diwali thing, in the Indian community, as I guess there will be there too. I hope you have a good weekend and happy Diwali.

Happy Friday Galen, I will have a lot to do this weekend because since one there are many cultural, gastronomic activities, bazaars, shows framed in the patron saint festivities in honor of the Virgin in my city.

I'll look out for your post, but more importantly have a nice time over the weekend.

From my heart, thank you very much, for your sincere wishes, Galen.

Oh my world.
I just left a fun place in town and didn't take a picture of it. That's alright though, may be I will have to be a chef for the week.

That's a bummer, maybe the other topic is the one for you.

Interesting topics.. Hoping to make one this weekend..the first two are my choices.. ☺️

No worries, if you make it that will be nice. Have a great weekend.

I love the themes of this weekend, well every weekend but these too haha.

Especially the first and third one.... I'm leaning more towards the first one, maybe I'll go to a place there is nowhere else....

It's been a busy week, I practically didn't even see it, it flew by, and today I said... it's Friday? Already? and yes it was. I hope to get some rest this weekend.

Have a great weekend Galen!!!😀

A busy week...is always followed by the weekend right? I hope you have a good one.

I hope so... thank you very much!

That first one is cool. I bet you get a lot of unique and interesting entries. I recently started following a Facebook group that lists abandoned and interesting places in the state where I live and I never realized how many cool things there were so close to me.

It'll be good to see some interesting posts about local places I may never see otherwise. Abandoned places, buildings and all...so cool. There's not too many around here but if there was I'd be there...I find them interesting, makes me think about the past, who lived or worked there, what happened to them and all.

I find them interesting as well. You can't do much exploration here in the US though, you would likely get shot. Some of the stuff that @slobberchops does with his urban exploration posts would be too risky over here!

Yeah, here too...someone is likely to get shot especially if it's out on the land, farmers don't like people jumping fences.

Very true!

There's a saying around where I live that says that... Each one is given according to his soul.

I could now say that I have a good soul because all your themes are to my liking and ability to tackle them. I like all of them, but especially the third one (which I think I won't choose though, because it would take me too long to compose). I want to thank you and wish you the same good end of the week!

You're welcome, I enjoy doing these topics for people. I hope you have a good weekend and no matter the topic you choose, I hope you've not the writing process.

These topics are very good, I don't know which one I'll choose yet. I should get out more, so....

Maybe a couple hours out and wandering about will do you good. Your choice though.

Have a nice weekend.

Maybe not, I'm sure. Thanks ;)

Have a nice weekend too.

hmm nice topics. ill try to make an entry this weekend. thank you for this contest. :)

No worries, if you make it that'll be good, either way I hope you have a nice weekend.

Happy weekend to you.

I hope you have a nice weekend also, an enjoyable one.

I think the only way I could be a good chef is if I magically happen to be a chef for a weekend 😅 Just kidding.

Magic chef's are the best.

I love being able to participate every week, this weekend I will be chef, let's see how it goes with my children and son-in-law ha,ha,ha. Now I only cook for myself, but these suggestions get us moving. A big hug!


Cheers, and I hope you have a nice weekend.

Thank you, I'll take a look in a short time. Have a nice weekend.

🤗 Thank you as well

Happy weekend wish you all the best

Have a good weekend.

weekends are always very fun, I really like going for a walk on the weekend to relieve fatigue after working for a week, and the topic of travel in this week's contest makes me very interested. See you in your #weekend-engagement contest post

Thank you, great post, as always.

You're welcome

Was finally able to participate this week after a long time. Here’s my entry: https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@threedotz/a-chef-for-the-weekend

Cool, thank you.

My pleasure! Thank you too!

Assalamu Alaikum I hope you are very well. Thank you so much for giving us such a glorious and vibrant week-end. Here are some wonderful experiences you have given in the direction that really motivates me. Gives us an opportunity to see and experience buying new daily essentials. I liked it very much. And the excellent has chosen a queen through which we are able to become a queen. I think we should all do all the work. It is very important to have experience in everything. Since we are humans and humans are the gift of the Creator, we should learn all our actions to come forward at our own peril and at the peril of our family and at the peril of our next-door neighbors and all. Here is one of my entries displayed. Then travel is one of the big goals of our life. Which fills our heart with peace and love fullness and love for nature fills excitement. Travel is a big part of our education through which we can learn. Seeing something gives me an opportunity to experience it. Above all, my respect and love to you and your family. This wonderful wicket gave us an opportunity to gain experience. That's a big find for me. I always wish you a beautiful day and good health.

Have a good day also, and a nice week ahead.

you are always most welcome sir