If you Teach, you Work Every Day, Especially on Weekends

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

Greetings, everyone. I have been pretty busy in the last month or so and that shows in my barren blog.
I will be posting shortly about the new courses and challenges, but also about the possitive news regarding work.

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This is my entry to @galenkp’s Weekend Engagement #173. I picked the first topic:

Have you ever worked (at your job) on the weekend? Explain what you like or do not like about it and why.

This is an example of what my computer screen looks like on an average weekend. Editorial work, class planning, and downloading audio-visual materials for face-to-face and online classes.

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As a teacher, you can swear all you want that you will not use your weekend/family time for unpaid work, but that's just a futile fight. Even if you manage to oraganize your work load to reduce weekend extra work, there will always be a friend, family or colleague who will require some job-related support and you can't refuse to help. At least I can't (That was actually going to be my weekend engagement post some weekends ago, but I was too busy to work on that one too).

I've been teaching for twenty six years now and working on weekends has always been part of the package. Even when I taught at college, when we had a summer break to share with family and friends, I always found myself busy with work even on weekends.

Now that I teach at a language institute, weekends are our students' most required schedules. Most of them study or work and Saturdays are about the only day they can spare for language courses.

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Summer time is now my busiest time of the year, so I am resigned to busy weekends. Planning takes most of any teacher's free time, but it has its recompense when classes flow and students progress in their learning process.

Unfortunatelly, we still need to leave some record of students progress in the form of tests and those tests, even with Google Docs and other tools' help still take some of your time, especially on the weekends. Given the technological limitations we still have, we cannot always rely on objective e-testing and paper testing is still used. The kinds of tests you can apply via Google docs, etc have certain limitations and may not accurately measure students language proficiency, so additional work is needed if we want to do that part of the process well.

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Working on weekends suck most of the time, but teaching, like some other disciplines require constant practice, researching, and testing. We do a lot or trial and error and any good results are ususally thanks to those unpaid weekend hours.

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When I was younger, I didn't understand when our teachers used to be mad at us saying they've spent their weekends on us, part of their summer vacation for us to have a better course! It was only after I myself took part time teaching jobs I started to get the full grasp of what is at works behind the seen, how ignorant we had been and I couldn't help but feel growing respect towards my teachers from primary school, and high school!

That's a great anecdote. It's like that: you have to love it to understand it.
Thanks for stopping by

This happens to all of us I think, we don't know what we don't know...until we know it. Time doesn't always bring wisdom, but it sure brings perspective.


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Working on weekends is hard for some people because they have to give up time to spend time with their family, but you can see that I am patient and continue to carry out the work until it is finished. You did a good job @hlezama

It makes sense to use available time to prepare and hone one's skills and sometimes that happens on a weekend I guess. I think your students would appreciate your effort.

They do. It feels good when at the end of a course students can recognize that if they did not as well as they expected it was not because of the teacher's lack of expertise or poor planning and excision. We can only hope that one day (at least here) teacher's salaries will compensate all that is done behind the curtains.

There's a saying, what the student hasn't learned, the teacher hasn't taught, referring to the importance of the teacher presenting the concepts in the right way and in a fashion that the student can relate to. I think it's too broad a statement though, as some students are unteachable.

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I taught only for a few years, but I went to my school room every single Sunday for the entire day to prep my classes for the week. Mind you, I had already done a great deal of work to get ready for the coming week during the week before. Teachers, good teachers I should say, work their butts off. Hardest job in the world, made much harder in the last few years.

Yes. I see lots of them quitting everywhere, even in countries where they are supposed to be well-paid and have all kinds of resources available. Dealing with new social issues has added multiple layers to the already heavy load.