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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

If you really want to learn, you definitely should find a way to do so, @dswigle. I do as well and I keep thinking that one day I'm going to fully commit and listen to language lessons on Audible. Like you, I've tried a few things and failed, and I think it would take a complete commitment and daily practice. Gee, if we could just carve out an extra couple of hours daily...! No clue where they would come from!


You're probably not going to believe this. I have two sisters-in-law that are from Spanish speaking countries. I lived in Spain. I will send prayers and Spanish classes twice. I took an immersion program. I lived Mexican border states, New Mexico Texas and Arizona and California. I have not sure what I can do as I had no trouble with German or French nor Italian however, you can talk to me in Spanish and I'll answer you in Italian. I don't think Spanish. How bizarre