
The thing that I seriously dislike is the sharks out there Lady Joan.
A guy from one of the shops came to give me a quote on my black genuine thick leather lounge chair.
He wanted to pay me ZAR 500 for it.

We saw a similar chair in false syntheric leather going for ZAR 3000 and mine is in a better condition.

An original "Diston" saw is worth at least ZAR 1000 and I refuse to sell my saw for ZAR 100.
Then I would rather give it away to a young tradesman that would appreciate the saw.
Such is life.


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We give many things onto people who will enjoy them, our village is wall to wall second hand shops buying cheap then selling at profit.

We went to look at an oval table (Imbuia wood) and Yellow wood riempie chairs today, as we sold our dining room table and chairs, plus an Imbuia, ball and claw set of drawers for 2000 bucks.

Shame the young couple that bought the table and chairs were taken for a ride as they must have paid a huge amount for it. In the meantime they have sold two of the six chairs and now they want 3800 bucks for it to try and recoup some of the money that they spent on it.
No one is going to buy that set at that price.

Yes and so do we and it is always a gift to the self when somebody appreciates it.

@papilloncharity! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @joanstewart.

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