Weekends are for recharging your batteries, not for...

Hi, Hive Lovers

When your cellphone battery is weak or almost empty and you don't recharge it, the temperature of your cellphone will rise, and it will feel hot in the palm of your hand.

If you continue to force your cellphone to work when the battery is weak, your cellphone's performance will not be optimal, and it will even damage the battery quality and system performance of the cellphone.

That's why I always "rest" my cellphone when my battery indicator is red. In fact, I always recharge my cellphone while it is "off," and I only need to wait a few minutes until the battery is full again, and then I turn it "on" and operate it again.

The condition of a cellphone with a weak battery is like the condition of your brain and body before the weekend. You need to rest your brain and body from your routine work on your weekends.

Weekends are a long-awaited moment and an exciting time for someone who has worked all week. The weekend is like a cellphone that is being recharged so that its performance becomes optimal again.

One thing I don't like most about the weekend is having to keep doing something work-related on the weekend. You can't work seven days a week; you still need rest and time to have fun.

I really avoid and really hate having to work on weekends. So, whatever responsibility I have to achieve my work target, I will complete it before the weekend comes.

Working on weekends is an imposition of a relaxed state on your brain and body. Weekends should be a process of enjoying holidays and be a time to do something light and fun. You can even enjoy weekends to sleep around all day, even though that is not recommended because it is not productive for your life.

The brain and body experience fatigue after being involved with the workload. Weekends should be a rest time for you after being tired from working several days a week. A person's brain and body are not designed to work continuously for a week. Just like a cellphone, which is designed with a limited battery and must be recharged when the battery is weak.

The weekend is a time to rest your brain and body so that you can feel refreshed and mentally prepare yourself to be active again at the start of your week.

You can do anything on your weekend, but for me, it is doing something fun that has nothing to do with my regular work.

Do you also really avoid and really hate having to work on weekends?

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