Insecurities in Security


In this country, the formerly United States of America. Now divided so severely it is close to the point of civil war.

ADT Kitchen 2022-02-22.jpg

C.C. means "Conceal Carry"
I have done this for nearly 20 years. I believe like the founders of this country that the right to bear arms and self defense is given to us by our creator. A right that should not be infringed by any government or authoritarians on power trips. Common sense regulations for safety and criminal behavior are logical and necessary to protect the law abiding citizens.

I titled this post "insecurities in security" as I am not comfortable leaving my personal safety up to another person. Nearly 20 years ago I was mugged at 4 am in a horribly violent and deadly city called Detroit in the horribly mismanaged state called Michigan. A state government that is corrupt and does not properly protect it's law abiding citizens. When I flagged down a city cop to tell them I was just robbed of all my money, they laughed and one of them said...

"Your lucky that is all they took."

Randy Bow.jpg

I have taken my personal protection quite seriously since that day.

Just yesterday, Thursday April 4th, I was visiting another horribly mismanaged city here in FLA called Orlando where a corrupt local gov. who thinks labeling public/private businesses where large numbers of people gather gun free zones to protect it's citizens. When in reality it emboldens those who wish to do harm. A hard lesson that plays out every few minutes somewhere on this planet is...

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun (or other weapon) is a good guy with a gun."

I was forced to stow/lock my personal protection in the trunk of my car to enter a private resort. I enjoyed visiting with family that was on vacation. I tried to hide the uneasy feelings I had as the security guards onsite looked like pathetic children with their hand held radios and pepper spray canisters strapped to their hips like a gun in a holster.

I very rarely go to large public gatherings these days. I always tell friends and family to stop by and visit The Pookyville Cat Ranch where...

Security is not an Insecurity


Shout out to the #weekend-engagement crew and the security staff that has our backs protecting us for 200 weeks strong. Good Guy all of him.

All images are property of KrazzyTrukker. Zero a.i. overlords were involved in the creation of this posting. Rest assured I am the good guy with a gun. 😉


Personally? My safety is worth quality duty rated defensive armament.

Please look into a better quality blade and pistol.

You ever look into fma? Filipino martial arts have absolutely changed my perspective on combatives.

In fact most times I actually just carry one little pocket knife and I'm more capable and equipped to deal with those pitiful criminals. Last time I was robbed it took 10 of them and I got 7-8 DNA samples,

Hopefully criminals think twice when they are around me. And of course predators think twice when the prey is armed.

Vote for you!

Thanks Ganja. Do you ever hear from HippieWithaGun anymore? I miss that guy. If so tell him hello from the Krazzy Cat Daddy Trucker.

That photo is the 9 mm rig my wife carries. It Mostly resides on the headboard of the bed.😳 It is manufactured right here in FLA (Daytona Beach)

I carry a POS taurus .380 on my hip I got cheap, part of a 5 gun package deal when a friend who collects was downsizing. My go to in the big holster I only carry at night under a jacket is an Argentinian Bersa Thunder .380 with a 14 clip. Neat old pistol I got from a friend for a dolla. His wife wanted it out of the house when she had a baby. At least she let him keep his hunting rifles... SMH

Thanks for the Vote and Reply.👍

Actually @hippiewithagun ? Dang. Don't tell me he ended up quitting! Dang!

Summoning the hippy ...

I used to be a big believer of 45 ACP however modern day hollow point technology of 9 mm is actually pretty good. Of course capacity is also definitely a big deal.

Ironically I would rather use a knife then again because they don't need reloading and you have a 85% chance of death for penetrating trauma with a knife over a 15% chance of death for getting shot. Although if you shoot somebody more than once the odds quickly spiral out of control. Unless of course you're 50 cent. Lol

I'm watching the Apple River stabbing trial right now and one guy quickly dispatches five others.