Long Weekends are for the Tenacious

"Tenacity - Do you have it?"

Well Hell Yeah Bro..👍

Tenacity is staring down a "dead men" and politely saying...

Thank You

Let me try to explain.

So I have been home since last Friday. This Friday is better than last Friday. Some might say this is a "Good Friday".

I do not subscribe to the fantasy and fairy tales of organized religions that this holiday is based on. So this holiday really has little meaning to me. Other than a good excuse to take some time off from the grind. The mind effing that is trucking.

Do not take me wrong, I believe in a higher power. Just not the false prophets kind that "Mankind" creates for us. We all have the right to express our beliefs to express our own opinions. I respect others religions and believe we should be able to worship (or not) in whatever way we feel comfortable with. As long as it does not call for harm or effect others negatively. We all know that some religions do just that. The whole theory of our creator being portrayed in the form of man is what I have a problem with. Man is evil, flawed and narcissistic.

So lets color some eggs and eat some chocolate bunnies. And enjoy some time doing the things we enjoy. Worship or not. Most of us are still free to do what we choose.

I chose to take this week off from the highways. That does not mean I did not "Work."

My #weekend-engagement had a week stuck in the middle. Like a weekend sandwich. Just ignore those pesty weekdays stuck in the middle. They are just filler.

Monday (weekend extension day 1) found me spending the day getting two tires replaced and a DOT 120 day inspection done. Then Tuesday thru Thursday (ext day 2,3,4) I began and continued construction on the overhang (car port) that I decided to build. (Photos)

George Thorogood may drink alone. But what KrazzyTrukker does is drink and work alone. I joke around with my @pooky-jax that all my friends hang out with me and help. Basically a shadow and dead men...

Here is the shadow, the dead men will be explained later



Hello Shadow of KrazzyTrukker...
(Shadow waves)
How are you doing today..?
(Shadow gives thumb up 👍)
Good seeing you here today... Errr, not seeing you

The Dead Men

These ghosts come in many shapes and forms. They could be an empty bucket, a ladder, a strategically placed nail or screw. On this job it was the ladders and the tractors hydraulic bucket.

Things take longer when working with the dead. They are horrible at carrying on a conversation. But the dead work cheap. Are never late to arrive. They also need no job benefits or insurance.





Hey, Zooooom in on those mostess awesomeness cedar posts holding what will soon be a metal roof up. I am using some left over deek (sun deck) lumber and cedar posts instead of high dollar treated 4x4 posts/lumber. The job will also require Concrete/Screws/Hangers/Metal Roofing to finish the job.

I took this "Good Friday" (ext day 5) to step away from my overhang/carport project and worked on some more of the never ending tree farm debri cleanup that I have posted about in the past. In the afternoon it was off to file the taxes. Yes I feel violated from the financial rape of this clown show government. $6800 more dollars on top of the daily tax theft of every penny we spend.

So again I would like to thank all the "Dead Men" except for that one. Dumb fucker dropped his end of the 12 foot 2x4 and nearly dumped me off my ladder... "Asshole"

Your Fired

Thanks for stopping by!!


Keep on KrazzyTruckin'

Me, leading my work crew of dead men helpers to the jobsite...



Damn good use of a long weekend. Don't be too hard on the ghosts!

Shadows and ghosts and voices in my head... 😂untitled.gif

Someone told me you're just a shadow of your former self...Now I understand that you're just a shadow of yourself...or at least your shadow is.

That strange shadow fella only comes round when the weather is nice. Then the damn fool follows me round like a hungry cat.

He don't say much but he is a handsome and likable fella.

Lol...handsome and likeable huh?