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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Oh I got SKILLZ...


Monkeys can NOT do what I do...


Err... Ok.

And if these Assbuckets ever get my trailer unloaded, I will...


Home, pop the top on a frosty adult beverage and tell You "WEES" all about it...

Wees = #Weekend-Engagement -ers

Anyone wanna guess what my skill is.??
After being a Giphy Posting GOD of course...



Excellent skills, I do not posses it, yet. But people drive like crazy here so it makes it less attractive to me. 😅

Well, I was going to say gif-over-user was your skill but instead I'm just going to go with driving a big ass vehicle and not dying from truckstop food.


    Chicken Dinner


Either way You Win my Man. I am a Survivor, I am a Damn Good Driver...

Do not have any idea what You are talking about with that Giphy Accusation.


Handling this kind of vehicle will be like a paper. So, truck is the real deal.



Haaaa.. I drove the Prime Mover before this one home like that one day.

Fucking full sized Florida Condor (buzzard) was eating lunch, (roadkill) and flew up into my windscreen. Damn near ended up inside that cab.

And STINK..!

Those nasty bugger's reek.!!

Lol...If only you had the pictures. #epicpost

He would have been thinking that you have skills on making gif.

Everyone supposed to know what you meant by @galenkp has truly won for guessing right.

You got a skill correctly. He is good at driving if there is such as truck. That is a nice skill

My 'new' brother collects trucks. We took his '38 Hall Scott Kenworth for a drive. The horn pull was in the center which begs the question. Is that monkey ambidextrous?


Nice... I started in a rig like BJ and the Bear were chasin' tail and trouble in. Good ol' 70's. When Truckers were still cool...

I forgot, you (@bigtom13), are no longer a Castaway. Long road to drive in life to find your family. Glad the road led you back to them.

Back there in the second row are a pair you might be interested in. A '64 Autocar that is completely restored (it's the parade truck) and a '75 Kenworth that is the first truck Larry bought after his Dad was killed.

The Autocar is show grade, and it's now grafted to a '97 Peterbuilt. Our nephew is a genuine car restoration guy and he was basically responsible for those two.


Thats awesome and I believe you can drive any kind of truck that comes your way.

You lost me at "after."

One who follows your postings, on a regular basis, may consider you a...

   In a thundering voice...

G O D..!


Found Ya...


Dude, thank you. I've been looking for me since the third Saturday senior year in college. Friday was... well that's the day we.. you know maybe I'm mixing my days up.

It is not easy to drive a big truck but since you have the skills to drive then you are the best. You are selected the best skill among all.

I have a man who has been driving truck for years, and when he handled a car, it was like a piece of paper to him. You have AA great skill, because it is not easy to drive truck.