WEEK 206. The mark of a stupidity


The mark of a stupidity

When we are children, well some children I must clarify that we are very daring and very fearless, so fearless that we can border on the stupidity of the things we invent, just for fun, and this we do without measuring the consequences, well I will speak in the singular, and that I did without measuring the consequences of my actions.

I have commented in other publications that I practiced Kendō the art of unsheathing and sheathing the katana, in fact I still have my practice katana with the weight of a katana for Olympics, well, that is not the point, I deviated a little from the topic, but that serves me to enter in context.

My father had many children with different women than my mother, in fact I have a brother where I am older than him, only by a day's difference, at that time at about 11 years old, my father took us all on school vacations to his farm that was retired to the city, As a child I was very happy at that time because I met with all my siblings, when we were on the farm we went all over it, we were 12 siblings all with ages of one year of difference between them, we were practically a soccer team, therefore the level of stupidity in many cases was exponential.

My stupidity as a child lies in the fact that one day my brother, the one who commented that I am older than him for a day, grabbed a bush knife one for me and one for him, and as he knew that I practiced kendo he thought that was as if we practiced with swords or fencing, I unfortunately followed his game, and we started to play, if I call it playing, but I repeat the level of stupidity was exponential to the consequences.

My brother made the proposal to play with the bush knife as if it were a sword, that game did not go well at all, because my brother came out with a not so deep cut wound in one arm, I in the left hand as you can see in the picture I put in the publication, we both lost because we had some cuts were not very serious especially that of my brother, I still remember when the doctor told me that my brother almost cut my thumb tendons, I saved myself because I had my hand gripped, otherwise it is possible that I would have been without mobility in the thumb.

They grabbed me five stitches, there were two wounds, one they placed 2 stitches, in the other wound three stitches, by the way it was in cold blood, I remember everything because of the pain when they grabbed the stitches.

That is my mark of a child's stupidity.


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To be happy, you just have to make your own decision.

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"In constant evolution" .


Lol, seems like typical boys will be boys behaviour. Stupid, yep, but I think we've all done similarly stupid things. Good post.

Yes, it is true, at an early age, we do not measure the danger and that becomes a learning process the hard way, but sometimes as adults we also have stupid behaviors.

Greetings, I hope you have a great and comforting rest, on these sides of the planet my working day has already begun.

Yeah mate, all good here, Sunday night with Monday and my working week fast approaching. I hope you have a good week ahead.

When we are children we really love danger and we don't measure the consequences, well it's a memory,

If now as an adult those memories are good, but as a child it was not comforting at all, now I resort to that memory to discuss it with my daughters and to show them the consequences of not measuring the danger.

It is a great wound of memory, I think almost all of us have some marks on our body from silly things. And still from time to time we continue to hammer ourselves by accident from time to time.

By accident, but also sometimes just sometimes also by stupid we hammer ourselves and even in the same place, HAHAHA in some cases it seems that we do not learn.

Especially when we do something for someone else and that person does not behave well.


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I don't deny more than one hammer blow and in the same place.

There is a deep connection between stupidity and childhood. haha! We all do strange things, the scars of which remain with us throughout our lives, sometimes just on the body and sometimes on the soul. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

There is a deep connection between stupidity and childhood.

I let out a tear, product of my laughter, and what you say is something extremely true, and I think it could not be said better, you made my day, because laughing early in the morning is good to start the day.

I'm glad you felt connected to what I said. Start all your days smiling like this.😊🙏🏼 Have a wonderful new week!

Haha, we all have that moment during childhood. Without really knowing how serious a things are, the consequences of those actions or whatever. I also have that one time stupidity that cause me a lot of pain. And I really didn't learn from it because I keep doing things just because I think it's exciting and fun, lol.

Anyways its fortunate that you only had stitches. What if something more serious had happened during that fun fight no? But what happened to that brother of yours? Did he get scolded? Or you two received a very lonngggggggggg nagging or maybe a beating? (≧▽≦)

Yes I understand what you are saying, even at my age I do things that can also be considered stupid, especially for young people today.

I remember that there were several things, scolding, beating and a big punishment of a month or so without leaving the house to play with my friends and neighbors and I could not go to my Taekwondo and Kendo practices.


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