To a great 2024

It is really fascinating all the information we have in a matter of seconds. In many occasions it can be overwhelming, but this will not affect us if we manage to regulate everything that comes to us.

Many specialists tell us that we should always seek our happiness first; our own, of course, and then try to make others happy, this will complement the satisfaction we will achieve. So to be happy we must invest in our welfare without negatively affecting our environment.


The happy space of our week, called: Saturday and Sunday we cannot change it but we can make it meaningful. Lately I have been complaining that I don't have enough time for anything, but there is one element in which I have invested a lot of time and I only realized this recently: it is the time I spend on my phone.


It's distressing how useful a cell phone is. In my case it serves me to have backup of my students' qualification records, backup of documents and use of cards and bank payments, something as simple as taking notes that previously, I did manually; this is in the past, check the calendar, time just to mention a few things, everything is on the phone.

Then analyzing it in depth I perceive that; although when using it, I consult it for all the above mentioned; the problem is that I stay watching and fall into the temptation to look at social networks: to inquire into decorative activities and crafts that usually are beautiful but I do not end up doing them.

Obviously no one knows how much time they have left on this earth, nor their relatives, which is why we must enjoy every moment, take deep breaths and be thankful. Be thankful for life, health and experience gained.

For a great 2024 I will bet on less use of this device and employ other tools.

The images are my property.

Translated from Spanish to English by DeppL (free version)


My cell phone also gets too much attention from me and I think I definitely need to do something about this vice I have with it.

Absolutely. It's like a comfort zone that we have there all the time. This Christmas I hope to be able to spend more quality time with my family.

How can we export love to others if we are full of conflicts or immersed in things that are far from that?
As you mentioned, if we are not well with ourselves, it will be impossible to export quality and quantity.
It is good to make a review and surely you will find that time that seems to be missing. It is a matter of organization.
The devices are there to help us, not to kidnap us.
I enjoyed your participation.
Merry Christmas!

Hi @germanandradeg thank you very much for your comment. I hope you are having a good time.
You have said the right words, the devices kidnap us because it is very attractive and stimulating everything that gives us; much more for those who do not give us a chance to disconnect from work and household chores in other spaces.

We have given our life to the mobile phone and it is so true that you go to a family home and everyone is doing their own thing, video games, an old soap opera on YouTube, a tutorial on IG to do such a thing, a recipe on Facebook and so we spend long hours saving videos of things we neverwe do, that must be modified.

Thank you very much for your comment @lavilorio
It's like @germanandradeg says, there is a lack of organization and more awareness that there are other tools that can be very useful and that even unite us as a family. What you say about the recipes is very interesting, if we want to register one that we have created then we will most likely pass it to digital to keep it more secure.