Week #203 |Younger or Older - Young or Old

Hello users, I hope you are feeling well. In this opportunity the suggestion for which I am inclined may have many answers. Sometimes I like to go out with younger people, I like to be infected by their joy, I love their sense of humor, they always have something funny to say, I do not mind going out in a group with people of any age


When it comes to business I love to hang out with adults who have more experience, I love to listen to them and hear about all the steps they have taken to have a stable business, after they have gone through many attempts

Would you prefer to date or be with someone older or younger than yourself and why? Remember to use your own photos



The question lends itself to many answers as I wrote above. If it is the case that this outing is with the intention of friendship I like to date people of all ages, if it is already for a more intimate relationship, I would like him to be older and if he is much older than me it is better, as I would like to learn, hear new things, also that he is very romantic and also respectful

I would like him not to be so sexually active, that is, I would like a partner to just accompany and be accompanied ha,ha,ha,ha

Now seriously, I like solitude, so this partner should know that we are going to read a lot, dance and also travel, seniors have a lot of hobbies, so we are going to share our way of being quite a lot. Adults are already quieter and I like that


When it comes to business I love to hang out with adults who have more experience, I love to listen to them and hear about all the steps they have taken to have a stable business, after they have gone through many attempts



All images are my property. My signature with Canva application
