When I started to feel Australian | | Weekend-Engagement

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago (edited)

Since Friday, when I read Galenkp's post, I started researching about Australia in every possible way and I was writing down in my notebook as I always do and organising my ideas to participate in the challenge.


Of course, as I read and learned about the beauty of that country, my enthusiasm grew and I started daydreaming about getting on a plane to go there immediately. Since dreaming doesn't cost anything, I kept dreaming.

Australia, bathed by two oceans, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, with a high standard of living and quality of life, is a multicultural country. I read about its flora and fauna. About the poisonous animals that exist and even the rare ones. So much reading and learning about Australia that I dreamt that night that I went on a trip and landed at Kingsford Smith International Airport. I had a very interesting dream, but like all dreams, unexplainable things happened to me. I started walking and I saw a big sign that said: Welcome to "C Australia". This "C" I will explain later.

The streets were not the paved avenues of Australia, they were unpaved roads and the big buildings like the Sydney Opera House and the National Museum of Australia were just wooden or block houses, the fancy cars were now just ox carts and horse-drawn carts, cars from the 50s and 60s and I spotted a train that was not even close to the modern super-fast trains that exist in Australia.


It was a train of many carriages carrying Sugar Cane, and what about the flora and fauna of the place? There were no koalas, no kangaroos, no cockatoos and I didn't see the sea either. But there were plenty of dogs, cats, cows, pigs and all kinds of birds.

Australia which is such a beautiful country and with such vivid colours and landscapes, as I have seen in pictures, during my research, 🤔 and I had entered a place where a giant tower was billowing grey smoke and a smell that I thought was sweet. Do you know where I was in my dream? In a Sugar Central and that was the reason for the "C" at the beginning. It was the Australia Sugar Central in the municipality of Jagüey Grande, Matanzas province, Cuba.

Of course, I woke up startled and saddened at the same time, as I had not even dreamed of going to the beautiful country that is Australia. I wanted to celebrate Australia Day and feel Australian. They say that dreams can come true one day, and that would be the best thing that could happen to me at the end of my old age.


For the time being, I will continue to visit Varadero Beach, where the waters are crystal clear, the sand is fine and white and the sea that bathes it has many marine species and beautiful corals just like in Australia. Our flora and fauna are also diverse and we have the Manjouari, a fish endemic to our country, as well as the Australian platypus.

Happy Australia Day 👏, let's all celebrate and feel Australian too.

All images are my property
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


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Thank you very much.😄

You can do it @mamani! Keep pushing yourself and reaching for the stars on Hive.

So much research that you even dreamed about it :)
Ok, the C letter brought you back to Cuba in the end - This also can be a good thing, as then you didn't have to buy a plane ticket from Australia to Cuba :D

Just a joke, of course. It is nice you were doing great research about that country's flora and fauna and I am sure you will be well prepared to visit it if one day the opportunity comes! Happy Sunday, Mamani 👋

Good night, my dear. I don't think I can unless it's in dreams, and dreaming costs nothing.
I'm glad you liked my post. I appreciate it very much. It has been very nice @galenkp's initiative I have enjoyed it.❤️🥰

Yes, it was a nice topic for this weekend, as each time they are. ;) I hope you are doing well these days and the results of the tests you did last week were good!

All good, I even removed the kidney stone. There is mamani for a while. Thanks for your concern.😴😌❤️

Before reading the post I thought about how far Australia is, about the antipidas of Spain, I imagined the hours of travel, the stopovers, loaded with suitcases .... But tonight I'll ask the pillow for a ticket, maybe I can travel there too, even if the place doesn't look like the one in the books. @mamani thanks for the trip

I liked your words very much, and I wish you to make that trip today even if, like me, when you wake up you feel very happy to land in your country. Sleep is always restful and takes you anywhere. Thank you very much. Have a good night. Sweet dreams.😌😴

I don't think I was lucky enough to travel to Australia, but no matter, the place where I arrived was beautiful, another day for sure I will get to Australia, I travel every night. Best regards

I loved your dream, it's beautiful and weird at the same time, yet enigmatic. Australia is a real paradise, I wish we could go there one day!😃

Good evening friend I see that you liked my post. And I share your idea to travel someday to Australia would be wonderful. Thank you very much for your nice words. Sweet dreams.😴😌❤️

Mamani me encantó tu post!!

Original way to participate in the weekend engagement. Central Australia...🤣 good joke and a little sad. That was the dream, but maybe the reality is a trip to Australia very soon 🤪.

Un abrazo. Linda semana.

Friend, I wish I could, but I don't see a chance. As for the post, I thought it would be more enjoyable and I had a lot of fun doing it. And it seems they liked it. Thanks for your nice words. Have a nice evening.😴😌❤️🥟

All countries have iconic destinations and unique features.. Australia indeed is a great one..

Thank you friend for dedicating your time to me. Nice Monday.😄

Australia is a paradise by itself. Every single thing that could or had happened there is just a miracle... So, I totally understand how you feeling! Fine word, love, fine words!

Thank you very much for stopping by my post, my regards and have a happy week.🥰❤️

Oh, thanks for the love, honey!

I learned a lot about Australia from your post. Is it true that there is a very harsh climate?

Thank you for your words and for your time in reading my post.
Have a nice weekend.😀

Indeed. It's famous for it.

Wait what .... you have an Australian platypus????

We do not have in Cuba an endemic and endangered freshwater Manjuari fish. Thank you very much for commenting. Have a nice weekend.😀