Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 202 // Sex education

Hello friends of WEEKENDEXPERIENCES, I hope you are enjoying a pleasant weekend that is almost over. 🥰❤️

At what age do you think sex education should begin for young people and why?

In my opinion, all children from the moment they begin to remember should begin to receive their respective sexual education, taking it in stages, from teaching them to know the anatomy of their body to values, emotions and relationships.

I am a mother of 3, 1 man and 2 girls, and in raising them I have tried to be as open as possible, taking each topic of sexuality to the appropriate age, from teaching them to know their body, what can be shown and what not, the way you dress, the way you treat others and the things you shouldn't allow for your body.


Sexual education is a topic that we must keep in mind throughout our lives and when it comes to our children we must begin to include this topic from the moment they begin to understand, with respect to my daughters even though one of them already It's great, I'm still giving him advice on this topic.

My youngest daughter is 11 years old and of course I try to talk to her and inform her of the dangers and care she must take, at her age her body is already very developed and that is when the strongest concern comes in since that is when they begin to have curiosities about sexuality.

On the other hand, the issue also begins that men of any age begin to look at them in a morbid way, in this I am very jealous, it bothers me a lot that an older guy looks at my daughters in a morbid way and if it is worth telling him my annoyance I do it to the man in question, there I become a beast.

IMG_7449.jpeg my daughter, my niece and me

He guided my daughters a lot about this topic, an education that I would have liked to receive in my childhood or adolescence, in particular my parents did not talk to me or advise me much about sexuality, I suppose that before, upbringing was different, and there were many taboos about this topic, luckily this has changed and today we are more open-minded and it is a little easier for us to approach this topic with our children.

Only in this way do we alert our children to the existing dangers and try to protect them. Today there are many types of sexual abuse and we must fight so that our children are prevented, educated and alerted!

IMG_7354.jpeg my little daughter

The photos shared here are my property taken with my iPhone 11 phone and edited in canva


Good to see you are touching a very sensitive topic.
Yes we should give sex education tp our children.
Being parents our relation to our children should be friendly.
Only then we teach them abjut this topic.
Nice writing.
Keep writing.