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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Skills are essential part of life. Through it you can become relevant or irrelevant in the scheme of things. It's skill that makes a difference.
Aside what i can do already, things I have built up skills at, I would love to have a skill in styling hair for both mem and women. My daughter has always been on my neck to help her loose her braids or comb her hair. She finds my touch succulent on her, sons he would always run to me.

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This isn't what I expected but it's a good skill to have I guess. When I have a bad hair day I just put a hat on and that's about the extent of my hair-styling skill. Lol.

Ahaha🤣😅That's a skill too, covering your bad hair with a heart. I love to make the hair and would love to acquire a skill in it.

How will you make the hair grow? Will it be possible? you then mean, that ypur hat is your hairstyling?

You remind me of...
A childhood sensation!
When I had my hair stroked, it felt really good!
Murrr, Murrr))

Hahaha. Unfortunately, in Africa, our hair texture is quite hard, it is a big job to grow long hair strands unlike those who originated in lands where their weather favors the growth of hair.
Never mind, as your stylist, your hair will never go broken.

This skill of yours is amazing, you know.? I have seen many male who became hairstyling in many locations and they are doing so great and even more that the females.