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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Do we refer to that as a skill? I think some people just want to keep their stuff because they were never brought up that way, of trying to dispose of things they don't want any more. Some people just love to sell off or gift it away.
Until.i see the need to five an item I may not want to use again, it stays with me.


Looking at it in the other angle we cannot call it a skill because many people have the mind of keeping things or train them away.

To me, I don't like selling my stuffs. The best iasnto give them out instead of selling them.
I think somehow, we can still manage to refer that as a skill, but the one which is not yielding income.

I rather give them out to those I feel would need it.

Yes, exactly. I have friends who are very good at it, and when I go to their homes, it feels very serene. I love that feeling, but lack the skill to do what they do!

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head! Something in, something out is my rule!

Oh, no!!! How can you say not to that? That is why we have so much stuff and I use that term loosely. :)) at right. People are there who always receive lecture on how to keep things instead off throwing them out.

I admired your analogy. The way you are analysed it is just too perfect