My Mother's Day: A Mix of Different Feelings

in Weekend Experiences20 days ago

Hello friends of Fin de Semana, today I want to share in this community, the experience I lived last Sunday Mother's Day, I chose this community because besides inviting us to enjoy life invites us to reflect on it.

My Sunday was totally different from what I have always been traditionally used to and that is that I lost my mother two years ago, my children and my nephews are living abroad, so the movement of celebration at home no longer exists.

On the other hand, the Barrio, which was also very lively during the holidays, is no longer alive, most of our boys have left home to undertake their journey to different parts of the world where they can realize their dreams, so we no longer have their laughter and games.

I will not lie if I tell you that I was not excited about the celebration, I got up early and went to the Church of Regla, my mom liked this church, because besides being devoted to this virgin, the church is located near the sea, the view just makes you feel good.

It is not superfluous to tell you that I went walking, almost 3 km because transportation problems become more acute on the weekend, but while walking you fill yourself with life, because the scenery is beautiful and it helped me to release negative energies, I was able to buy two very nice bouquets of flowers, one to leave on the tie and the other for my mom.

The Mass was dedicated to the Mothers and a space was organized to place flowers on the altar to the Virgin, it was really very emotional and comforting.

I arrived home a little tired, because there is a suffocating heat these days in Havana, but in a better mood, to refresh myself I drank an ice cold beer that did me a lot of good and while I was enjoying it, I received a call from my daughter, my son had called just at twelve o'clock at night.

Then my husband and I went to congratulate some neighbors, we took a simple gift, but full of affection, because for more than 30 years we have been like family, I also took some time to talk on the phone with my friends, some of whom are in my situation..

Around 1 o'clock in the afternoon my sister came to pick me up to spend the afternoon at the farm, I had a wonderful afternoon, I never thought I would feel so good, at the farm we shared with 5 workers who are between 22 and 26 years old, they came from Granma Province and did not have their mother nearby and we did not have our children, so we complemented each other very well.

When I arrived at the farm, it was already cut up, so I couldn't take a picture of how they prepared it, but I can tell you that it was delicious, my sister prepared the mojo and I made the salad.

We spent the afternoon chatting and making jokes, the atmosphere and the natural scenery blended very well in my senses, it filled me with joy, nature is miraculous, contact with it always does me good.

In the same day I was prey to different feelings, sadness, nostalgia, joy, but above all gratitude, once again I tell you that I thank life for the mother I had, for the children I have and in general for my family, friends and neighbors, also for having found this platform that plays an important role in my life.

The images are my property. I used the translator DeepL.


Awwwwwn! So sweet 💕. Happy mother's day.