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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

I have a list of skills as long as my arm in several trades and management, but I have always been trained for the charity fields that I occupy for the last 20 years.
There is a friend @jayna in the comments here that likes de-cluttering and we love people like that as one of my skills is distribution.
Businesses and factories will close down here and then they would call Papillon to come and fetch their stuff.

Our truck loading donated desks to deliver to small businesses in the townships.
Loading desks! 18 April 2016 002.JPG

We also used to get many bags of clothing, kitchen appliances and and and.
This was taken by us to the poor areas.
So I think that my greatest skill is the gift to give freely with no strings attached.

This is our full car on it's way to some or other home for the poor.

The Papillon Foundation holds the unbelievable audited record of distributing 425 tons of goods to poor areas of all races over the past 20 years.


This seems like a skill others should learn because I think it has the ability to bring a good degree of change.

An amazingly easy skill to learn as many of us have an inherent desire to do good, but we are constrained by having to work for survival.
I simply unshackled myself and I have never looked back.

An unshackling is a good idea. Most will never though.

Oh yes, there are also very few here, as so many will not be happy with a tiny salary. It's all about serving the money god mate.
