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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

My husband also thinks I'm a nutbag, so I'll take that. Now where did I put the lid to the vegemite....

Seriously. They just fly out of my hand. Jamie just laughs every time. Neither of us know how I do it. 'Where's the lid' is a daily phrase in this house.

And whenever I offee to paint anything, Jamie says: please don't.

Could you get a more manly photo for your cover image?


 3 years ago (edited) 

Riv...Nutbag! Yeah you!

Haha, that last comment and gif. Yeah, it's a bit that way huh? Captured myself in a rare moment of manliness.

You should update the community tag on her name, just sayin...

It has been considered. She would not mind.